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请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇作文。提示:(1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。讲英语的人近三亿。 (

第一次世界大战: The first world war
The First World War was from August 1914 to November 1918. It was a big war that began in Europe but almost all the parts of the world country took part in. It was a war between Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. And it was the most badly damaged war in the Europe history. So many people were died because of this war. And There were also many people got injured. Maybe actually, almost all the people didn't like this war at all. But they must did that, because of the history.

English is the widely used language all over the world.But it is not the language that the largest number people use.Maybe you want to know the reason why English can become the widely used language.It has several different reasons ,but the main reason is that English had once the king in the world.It has so many colonials around the world, such as India,Sigapore and the USA which lead to the result that it become the most important language in the world.

Possible version:
Why Do We Study English?
English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people. People in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries speak English as mother tongue or official language.
It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more used than the others. It is said that 60 percent of the world’s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world’s mails are in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. English is really a bridge to knowledge.
With the help of English we can learn modern science and technology faster and better form the developed countries. Only in this way can we serve our country better.

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  • 答:一个5岁的女孩,小丽,某天发现妈妈的手机出现了一系列异常征兆。她注意到手机自动关机、信号变得很弱、不能正常充电,而且手机还发出一阵阵的热浪。小丽意识到这些征兆可能意味着妈妈的手机即将发生爆炸事故,于是她警惕起来。...

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  • 答:小男孩的故事证明了即使在危险的情况下,机智与冷静也能帮助人们摆脱困境。他的行为不仅保护了自己,也为社会上的每个人敲响了警钟,提醒大家在关注身边的美好生活的同时,也不忘谨慎,保护自己和他人的安全。

  • 根据下面的提示与要求,写一篇不少于500字左右的作文。 提示与要求:我 ...
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  • 英语根据所给提示写作文
  • 答:1. 根据英语提示写作文 既然是小短文讲话的就写成书信格式了 Hello everyone.As you know I'm Li Ming . I'm so glad to here with your guys all. And I'll remember that we have a good time here. We ...

  • 请根据提示写作文?
  • 答:2023年1月12日,周五傍晚五点,济南的街头巷尾弥漫着热烈的气氛。学生们放学后纷纷走出校门,有的去上课外班,有的去参加社团活动,还有一些学生选择去聊天,其中一个男孩就是这样。他特别喜欢吴莫愁,再加上热衷于和小姨...

  • 请根据提示写一篇作文,500字。
  • 答:…天空传来了一阵阵响亮的雷声,都快把耳朵给震坏了。不好要下雨了我要快点回家,我赶紧收拾好书包,快速的往楼下跑,我刚跑到楼就下起了小雨,突然天空传来了一声比一声更加响亮的雷声把站在楼下的胆小女同学给吓坏了...

  • 根据下面提示写出一篇英语作文 50字左右 要求1:中国是一个很大的国
  • 答:rainfall.In my opinion,the place which has the most pleasant climate for people to live in is Qingdao because its weather is warm and not changeable.I hope someday I have the chance to settle there.

  • ...请根据下面的中文提示,写一篇英语作文告诉人们要保护地球。要求6...
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  • 根据下面的提示,以if l am a teacher写一篇短文,, 如果我是一名老师...
  • 答:If I Am a Teacher.If I am a teacher, I will be very happy. Ilike students and the job. In class, I'll discusssome questions with students. I'll be glad to helpthem. I'll encourage them to take ...