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介绍自己的糖果店铺 英文作文 各种糖果的英文介绍
糖果屋 用自己的话讲述一个故事,英语作文~


A woodcutter and his family live in a forest. He has two children.
His son's name is Hansel and his daughter's name is Gretel. They live
with their stepmother. She doesn't like Hansel and Gretel.

Times are very difficult. Nobody has any money, so they don't buy
any wood from the woodcutter. The family has only bread to eat. The
woodcutter can't sleep at night. He worries about how to feed his family.
The woodcutter's wife has an idea.

"We can take the children into the forest," she tells the woodcutter."
We can leave them there. They will not be able to find their way home.
Then we can eat all of the food."

"But that is a terrible thing to do," replies the woodcutter. "I cannot
do it."

"If you don't, we will all die of hunger," says his wife.

The woodcutter thinks about his wife's idea. Finally, he agrees to do

Hansel and Gretel have been listening to their parents speak. They
are both frightened. Gretel starts to cry, but Hansel tells her to stop. He
doesn't want his parents to hear them.

Hansel waits for his parents to
fall asleep. Quietly, he walks to the door and goes outside. There are
many small, white stones in front of the house. He puts some into his
pocket, and returns to bed.

into the house with her. There is hot food waiting on a table. They haven't
eaten hot food for many days. They eat it up quickly.

The old woman shows the children two beds. They are both tired.
They fall asleep very soon. The old woman looks at the two sleeping
children. She smiles and rubs her hands together.

The old woman is not really so nice. She is a witch, and she likes to
eat children! That is why she lives in a candy house. When children see it,
they run to it.

The witch wakes up early in the morning. Hansel and Gretel are
still sleeping. She grabs Hansel and puts him into her stable. Then she
locks the door. Hansel screams and screams, but nobody hears him.
The witch walks back into the house. She wakes Gretel and tells her to
cook some food for Hansel.

"Where is my brother, and why do I have to cook for him?" she asks.

"Your brother is in my stable," says the witch. "You will cook lots of
food for him, and he will get fat. Then I will eat him!"

Gretel cries, but she can't do anything. Every day, she cooks a big
dinner for Hansel. The witch gives her only bread to eat. The good food
she cooks is for Hansel.

One day, the witch goes to the stable. She wants to know if Hansel is
fat. She asks to see one of his fingers. Hansel gives her a bone from his
dinner. The witch can't see well. She thinks Hansel's finger is as thin as a

"Hurry up and get fat!" she yells at Hansel. "I'm getting hungry!"
The next day, the witch is even hungrier. She wants to eat something now.
She wants to eat Hansel and Gretel together. She lights a fire in the oven,
then she calls to Gretel.

"I'm going to cook your brother today," she tells Gretel. "Get into the
oven and tell me how hot it is."
Gretel doesn't want to climb into the oven. She knows that the witch will
cook her. "How do I go inside?" asks Gretel.

" You silly girl. It's easy to do," the witch replies angrily. "Watch me.
You open the door, and you put your head inside. Do it like this."

The witch puts her head into the oven. Gretel pushes her into the
oven. She quickly closes the door. The witch screams because she can't
get out. Slowly, her screams get quieter. She is dead! Gretel takes the
witch's keys, and runs to the stable.

" Hansel! Hansel! The witch is dead!" cries Gretel. "I will let you out,
and we can go home."

Hansel and Gretel return to the house. Inside, there are boxes of
pearls and nice jewels. Hansel fills his pockets with pearls, and Gretel
puts many jewels into her bonnet. Then, they leave for home.

The children walk for many hours. They cross small streams. They
walk over hills and through valleys. Both of them feel very tired again. A

bird sees the two children, and flies down to them.

"You are the woodcutter's children, aren't you?" says the bird.
"Thank you for the nice bread you gave us birds before. We really liked
eating it."

"I'm happy you enjoyed it," says Hansel. "But we needed that bread
to show us the way home."

"Are you lost?" says the bird. " Never mind. I will show you the way
home. It's not very far from here."
The bird shows Hansel and Gretel the way home. They do not need to
walk far. Soon, they see their house. The woodcutter is sitting outside.
Hansel and Gretel run to him and hug him.

"I'm so happy you are both OK!" he cries. "You are very smart to
find your way home."

The children's stepmother does not come out to meet the children.
She is dead. A tree fell on top of her. Hansel and Gretel show their father
the pearls and jewels. They will never be hungry again, and they live
happily ever after.

lollipops 棒棒糖
chocolate 巧克力
hard candies 硬糖
hard filled candies夹心硬糖
chewing gum 口香糖
bubble gum泡泡糖
filled candies夹心糖
toffee 太妃糖
candies with vitamin C 含维C的糖果
fruit candies水果糖
colourful fruit hard candies 彩色水果硬糖
milk candies 或 cream candies奶糖
fuit milk candies果味奶糖
fuit jelly果冻
toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果
fruit gummy candies果味软糖
gummy jelly弹性软糖
cream prune candies低脂糖果
orange candies桔子糖
fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖
fuit jelly果冻
toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果
fruit gummy candies果味软糖
gummy jelly弹性软糖
cream prune candies低脂糖果
orange candies桔子糖
fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖
cream candies奶糖
fruit drops水果糖
chewing gum口香糖
eclairs 怡口莲
toffee 太妃糖:

My candy shop
My family owns one candy shop. It is colorful with different candies.
The shop is in the centre of our town.Our candies are from all over the world. All of them are good taste. Our customers always come back to buy a lot. My mother go to the shop everyday, and I also will go there after school. It is so nice to sit around such a pretty shop. Of course, my mother will give me one or two candies one day. Because it is bad for my teeth. I can not eat too many. I like our candy shop so much!

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