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Tom去春游,然后迷路了.写一篇英语作文,以What should he do when Tom are lost为题

What should he do when Tom is lost

Tom went on a spring outing but got lost along the way. Being lost can be a stressful and scary experience, but there are some steps Tom can take to ensure his safety and find his way back.

Firstly, Tom should try to stay calm and not panic. He should take a deep breath and assess his surroundings. He should look around for recognizable landmarks, such as buildings or signs, that might help him get his bearings.

Secondly, Tom should try to retrace his steps and go back the way he came. If he remembers the route he took, he can try to follow it in reverse. Alternatively, he can try asking people for directions or seeking help from authorities such as police officers or park rangers.

Thirdly, if Tom has a phone with GPS capabilities, he can use it to pinpoint his location and navigate his way back. He can also call for help using his mobile phone.

Lastly, Tom should make sure to stay safe while trying to find his way back. He should avoid walking alone at night, staying in areas with poor lighting, or approaching strangers who seem suspicious. Instead, he should try to stick to well-lit public areas and seek out assistance from trustworthy sources.

In summary, getting lost can be a frightening experience, but by staying calm, retracing his steps, seeking help, and staying safe, Tom can increase his chances of finding his way back to safety.









One day we go camping together in a forest.Tom find a goat,and them he runs after the goat.A few minutes later,Tom gets lost in the forest.So we shout Tom's name,and go around to find him.But Tom can't hear us.Then Leo es out with an idea.We set up fire with many leaves and let Tom see the *** oke.By this mean Tom find us easily.Finally,we help him get back before it gets dark.Tom is very thankful for our help.
翻译:一天,我们一起去森林里野营.Tom 发现了一只山羊,然后他就去追那只山羊了.几分钟后,Tom在森林里迷路了.我们大声喊着Tom的名字,到处去找他,但是Tom听不到我们.后来Leo想到了一个办法.我们用树叶生了一堆火,让Tom看到烟.这样Tom就很轻易看到我们了.最后,我们在天黑前帮助他找到回路.Tom非常感谢我们的帮助.

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