移动学习网 导航


You can't beat me.
Now I'll make a roll call.
It sounds right.
I'll keep an eye on you.
Are you still clear-minded?
This class is over.
Why didn't you say a word at the beginning?
You uncle will kick your ass.(这里的Your uncle 就是老子的意思)


First, we will cut a piece of paper to be square, then fold the four corners of the square to the center, and then invert the paper to the other hand, and then repeat the above steps, finally, unfold and fold, one paper clothes is well done

First, cut a piece of paper to make it square, then fold the four corners of the square to the center, invert the paper to the other hand, once again four corners to the center fold, and then repeat the above steps, finally, a paper clothe is done

First, we will cut a piece of paper to be square, then fold the four corners of the square to the center, and then invert the paper to the other hand, and then repeat the above steps, finally, unfold and fold, one paper clothes is well done.

  • 请英语达人帮个忙,翻译几段话。。在线等,急!
  • 答:见过贫穷的危地马拉居民砍光雨林来种植粮食,Vohman突然想到,帮助他们回到他们的根才是关键。一颗树一年能够产出多大400磅粮食,面包栗可以储存多达五年之久,同时比引进来替代它的庄稼受到气候变化的影响要少。教授农村妇女有关面包栗的知识已经让他们变成保护雨林的拥护者,以及将面包栗产品变成收入的企业家...

  • 找个英语达人帮我翻译一下以下12段句子。谢谢了!~
  • 答:they are funny and sophisticated and stand head and shoulders above most mainstream Hollywood films.我发现中国大批人观赏的电影都是由在美国并不知名的导演制作的喜剧。至少要不是这种中国影迷,这些电影或许不会在美国电影院巡演一遍,它们有趣而深奥微妙,远远高于多数主流的好莱坞电影。注:Chinese w...

  • 求英文翻译达人帮我翻译一下下面几句话,做英语表演要用,翻译软件路过请...
  • 答:曾经有人差点从险峻的山路上掉下来(背景是几个人登山)Someone was as close as to falling off the mountain 曾经有人迷失了方向差点丢了姓名Someone lost his way to such an extent that he would have lost his life 曾经有人受野兽袭击受了重伤 Someone got attacked by the beast and got ...

  • 英语达人来帮帮我翻译一句话,很简单!
  • 答:hey guy!(or waiter,guy是口语话些,waiter比较正式)I'd like(or please give me)a glass of(or a cup of)whisky and a jazz disk,thanks!

  • 求英语达人帮忙翻译几句话.机翻请绕道
  • 答:1.That clever girl with long black hair will be very confident after the French class.2.The lovely dog jumps out the window for a bone.3.The invention of computer brings human beings many advantages as well as many disadvantages.4.There is a penetrating cry coming from the 8th...

  • 请英语达人帮我翻译一下下面的句子吧。
  • 答:Through the work in XX, I learned many knowledge of layout, design, and accumulated a lot of design experience.Through the work in XX, I had the very big enhancement in the Japanese.・ change jobs reason Hope to seek more development space.(注:文中你提及的转职我只帮...

  • 英语口语达人们请进!帮我翻译几句话!
  • 答:How incredible your smiles are!你这是要干什么,我们不是一直都好好的么!What you gotta do? Didn't we have a admirable relationships?我真是受够你了,你有对我好过吗!You've made me sick! Look how many suck things you've done to me!你什么时候能懂事?可能要等到世界毁灭吧!Are...

  • 请英语达人帮忙翻译两句话,很简单~~
  • 答:Please place your valuables to front desk for safety deposit.男宾部 Men Section 女宾部 Ladies Section 特别提醒 Caution --- 男宾部女宾部在内地很多地方都是跟厕所的翻译,都不是正确的。

  • 求英语达人帮忙翻译几个句子
  • 答:而避免那些不好翻译的成语、术语和俚语。同样,幽默也要避免,因为在不同的文化背景下,笑话不好翻译。一个地方认为很可笑的事情,换个地方未必行得通。关键是消费者按照自己的文化诠释广告内容。在全球市场开放的情况下,没有语言或文化失误的余地。很尽心的,选我吧 o(∩_∩)o ...

  • 英语达人进来,帮忙翻译一段话
  • 答:你也知道,英语如果不经常使用的话,可能就会比较容易忘记 But if I can get this working opportunity, I will work hard to study English, and of course, do my best in work.但是如果我能得到这个工作的机会.我会更加努力的学习英语,更加努力的工作.(有些小地方没有按你给的直译, 我自己稍...
