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1.You had better to go,( ) 【反义疑问句】
had better怎么变反义疑问句~

陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you.例如:
1 You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you?
2 You’d better get up early, hadn’t you?

had better通常不以普通疑问句的形式出现。但有时用于否定疑问句,常用Hadn't+主语+better...?结构,作为一种劝告形式,比肯定形式的语气更婉转一些。如:

Hadn't you better take an umbrella?你不认为该带一把伞吗?

Hadn't you better ask him first?你不认为该先问问他吗?

。。。。had better在反意疑问句中:

在反意疑问句中,疑问部分一般用"had+主语?",但有时可用"will you?"表示一种请求或建议。如:

You'd better not go out today, had you? 今天你最好不要外出,好吗?

I must stay at home this afternoon. You had better come to my house, will you?今天下午我必须留在家里,你最好来我家,好吗?

谈反意疑问句中的异类1 反意疑问句是初中阶段的一个重点和难点,突破它并不难,只要大家能从以下几个方面着手,我想定会让你豁然开朗:
反意疑问句(Disjunctive Questions )的定义:
反 意疑问句又叫附加疑问句(tag question)在陈述句之后,附加上一个简短句,对陈述句所叙述的事情提出的事情提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。换句话说,反意疑问句由两 部分组成,前一部分是对是对事物的陈述,后一部分是针对所提出是事提出疑问。如果前一部分用肯定式,后一部分就用否定式;如果前一部分用否定式,后一部分 就用肯定式。
1. 前后语气相反。
(1.)You are a student,aren’t you ?
(2.)She reads Chinese every day,doesn’t she?
(3.)John went to school, didn’t he?
(4.)She has done his homework,hasn’t he?
(5.)They can speak English, can’t they?
(6.)You will come in, won’t you?
(1.)He isn’t a singer,is he?
(2.)They don’t play the guitar,do they?
(3.)You couldn’t write it, could you?
(4.)We did n’t see Tom, did we?
(5.)She hasn’t seen Lily, has she?
(6.)he can’t ride the bike,can he?
(1).We are teachers ,aren’t we?
(2.)She comes from Japan,doesn’t she?
(3.)He read maths every day last year,didn’t she?
(4.) They have done their work, haven’t they?
(5.)It will be fine, won’t it?
(1.)You are a teacher ,aren’t you?
(2.)He comes from Japan,doesn’t he?
(3.)She studied Chinese last year,didn’t she?
(4.) They have learned English, haven’t they?
(5.)It will rain , won’t it?
(1.)You are a student,aren’t you ?
(2.)She reads Chinese every day,doesn’t she?
(3.)John went to scholl, didn’t he?
(4.)She has done his homework,hasn’t he?
(5.)They can speak English, can’t they?
(6.)You will come in, won’t you?
(1.)This book is yours,isn’t it?
(2.)Tom dosen’t know me, does he?
(3.)Lucy and Lily played the piano,didn’t they?
(4.)Kate’s dog has eaten 3 chichens,hasn’t it?
(5.)His desk and bike are red,aren’t they?
(6.)His milk isn’t bad, is it?
(1.) There be 变成be There:
There are 3 dogs ,are there?
(2.)I am a worker,aren’t an’t I?
*Don’t forget it will you? (不用Won’t you? )
Come here early please,willwon’t you?
*Let’s go to the beach, shallshan’t we?
*Let us go to the beach, willwon’t you?
*I don’t think you are right,are you?
*I don’t believe he has done it,has he?
(5.) 当陈述部分的主语为代词-body,-one构成的不定代词时,简略句的主语多用they; 当陈述部分的主语为-ing构成的不定代词时,简略句的主语多用it.
*Everyone is here,aren’t they?
*Playing football in the street is right, isn’t it?
(6.)当陈述部分的主语为代词: this,that,nonthing,不定式,动名词或从句时,简略句的主语用it,陈述部分的主语为these,those,nobody,eveybody,somebody等,简略句的主语用they。
*That is a dog,isn’t it?
*These are apples, aren’t they?
*Nothing is right, is it?
*To see is tobelieve, isn’it?
*Everyone comes here ,don’t they?
*Nobody can help us,can they?
* Everything is ready,isn’t it?
(7.)当陈述部分的主语含有no,never,hardly,little,seldom few,
*He can hardly read English,can he?
*It seldom rains here,does it?
*He has no classes today,does he?
*It is unfair ,isn’t it?
*He dislike it, doesn’t he?
*Jack must have arrived here,hasn’t he?
*Li Ping must have finished her work last night,didn’t she?
? 反意疑问句的特殊答语。
对于反意疑问句的的回答,不管问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,如果事实否定的,就用no 。
*He is a student,isn’t he?
*Yes,he is. No, he isn’t.
(2.) 当陈述部分为否定,简略句部分为肯定时的答语。
当陈述部分为否定,简略句为肯定时的答语,时意义就会和汉语大相径庭:Yes, No和汉语的意义相反。
*Kate didn’t play the piano yesterday, did she?
*Yes,she did. No, she didn’t.
不,他 弹了。是的,他没弹。
*They aren’t reading the book,are they?
*Yes,they are. No, he are’t.
*Lucy didn’t ride the bike,did she ?
*Yes,she did. No, she didn’t.

You had better to go, hadn't you?

didn't you ?
