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宗泽字汝霖 翻译 帮帮忙 谁能帮我翻译:廷对极陈时弊,考官恶直,置末甲。
宗泽字汝霖 翻译~

宗泽,字汝霖,是婺州义乌人。母亲刘氏,梦见天上发生大的雷电,光芒照射在她的身上,第二天宗泽(泽有雨水的意思)就出生了。泽自幼就性情豪爽有大的志向,在元佑六年进士及第。在廷对的时候极力陈述当时的流弊,考官厌恶耿直的人,把他的考试成绩置于末位。朝廷派遣使者从登州去和女真结盟,在海上结盟,谋划夹攻契丹,泽对所亲近的人说:“天下从此以后多事了。”隐退居住在东阳,在山谷间搭建草庐。 靖康元年,中丞陈过庭等联名举荐,让(宗泽)代理宗正少卿身份,充任和议使。宗泽说:“此行不打算活着回来了。”有人问他原因,宗泽说“敌人能够悔过撤兵当然好,否则怎么能向金人屈节而辱君命呢?”有人认为宗泽刚直方正不屈服,恐怕有害于和议,皇上于是不派他出使,而任命他为磁州知州。当时太原失守,出任两河地区的官员都借故不到任。宗泽说:“享受朝廷奉禄却逃避困难,是不行的。”宗泽受命,当日就独自骑马上路,随从的只有十几名老弱士卒。宗泽到达后,修缮城墙,疏浚隍池,整治器械,招募义勇之士,开始作固守不后退的打算。皇上表示称赞,任命宗泽为河北义兵都总管。金人攻破真定,领兵南取庆源,从李固镇渡黄河,担心宗泽率兵追踪,便派遣几千骑兵直攻磁州城。宗泽披甲登城,命令壮士以神臂弓将敌骑射跑,然后开门追击,斩杀敌人几百人。所缴获的羊马金帛,全部赏给士兵。泽前后请求皇上还京的奏疏有二十余封,每次都被黄潜善等人压下来,忧愤成疾,生了背疽(七情郁结所致)。诸位将领进入府中去探问病情,宗泽显出急遽的样子说:“我因为二帝蒙受羞辱的事情,累积愤怒到了这种地步。你们这些人如果能歼灭敌人,那么我死了就没有遗憾了。”众人都流着眼泪说:“哪敢不竭尽心力!”诸将出了门,宗泽感叹说:“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。”第二天,风雨很大,白天都显得很昏暗。宗泽没有一句话谈及家事,只是连着呼喊"过河"三声而去世,都(应该是都城吧)的老百姓大声恸哭。宗泽质朴直爽遵守道义,贫穷的亲人故交大多依靠他过活,而他对待自己却十分的刻薄。经常说:“君主侧身(韩信)尝胆(勾践)忍受屈辱,发奋图强,做臣子的居然住着舒适的居所吃着美食么!”开始,宗泽下书召集绿林群盗,聚集兵器储备粮草,连结燕赵的豪杰,自己认为(谓可解释为认为)渡过黄河,攻克金兵是指日可待的。有这样的志向,却没有完成,认识他的人都很遗憾这件事情。


Zongze word Rulin, Wuzhou Yiwu people. Born into a bold ambition Zedong, Deng million English first six graduates. Chen Ting very pertinent direct examiners evil, the end of a home. Actual transfer Museum Yaowei. Shuai Lu Lu Huiqing extension dispatch Zemin as embankments and Yiling, to dispatch, the eldest son killed an Zemin, chairman of Financial Service abrupt. Wai Hing news, saying : "Dole States has forgotten the Homeless. "Yuhe an open court, at which the depth of winter, zombies, to the Yifu, Governor reside urgency. Yue Jun Ze small river, is a letter to his Shuai, saying : "Fang Ning Han, Gong followers plight of the people and not easy to collect and less demand has until early spring And may worry. "Death on the news with his words, insisting on. Wai Hing into an resignation. Jingkang year that the court so out Zhongcheng Chen Jian, fake being examined Shao-qing, and how to bring full, Ze say : "It is evident not on the survivors. "Or short, saying : Zemin "withdrawing enemy can hit good solid, security can be ignored between flexor Festival Beiting to shame? "Ze recently proposed that the sides were unyielding, fear of others, and proposed, not laid off, know life meant. Taiyuan fell at the official rate Tuogu two rivers were not. Zemin, saying : "Fresh positions and asylum, have not. "Solo on the same day, from winning a single test. And, director of city wall, Chi Chun-minded, political apparatus, a huge amount of the Righteous, and unswervingly stick to the only solution. Baker on the short, in addition to troops oversees Hebei justice. Jin really broken, the South take Kyongwon stood since Ligu crossing to cross the river was the greatest fear Zemin soldiers, riding a direct deduction meant removal of thousands of city. City board Zemin put on a suit of armor, Warriors of God launched arch arm moving, open vertical attack beheading several levels. Clay It has been acquired, learned to reward crew. 2002 flood, Germany Zemin to come to fight progress, President Chen Chi-quenching statement enemy, face to act. Zemin angry and trying to cut short, Zhujiang begging loan quenching, making Xiaosi, get quenching life Zemin and met Jin, the opposition. Wei Ze militiamen to the south, which would have isolated soldiers scarcity does not succeed. Morning clouds before Landau, Direct Zemin play before war opposition. East fighting, the enemy Prebiotics Bingzhi, liang WANG battle, the enemy all around the base. Zemin ordered, saying : "Today, retirement, death, can not survive from the dead. "Kill the soldiers know, a certain percentage of all, the decapitation of thousands of class. Jin flaw, leaving a few dozen Lane. Ze dollars a dozen times in my public enemy, a war which all of this is bound to come again, I learned that his cavalry night attack military, and pay. Nai interpretations of its military. Jin night was to have space camp, a few moments later, the predominance of fear across the country, and men dare not go back. Ze surprise, too rivers Qianbing attacks.

宗泽,字汝霖,是婺州义乌人。母亲刘氏,梦见天上发生大的雷电,光芒照射在她的身上,第二天宗泽(泽有雨水的意思)就出生了。泽自幼就性情豪爽有大的志向,在元佑六年进士及第。在廷对的时候极力陈述当时的流弊,考官厌恶耿直的人,把他的考试成绩置于末位。朝廷派遣使者从登州去和女真结盟,在海上结盟,谋划夹攻契丹,泽对所亲近的人说:“天下从此以后多事了。”隐退居住在东阳,在山谷间搭建草庐。 靖康元年,中丞陈过庭等联名举荐,让(宗泽)代理宗正少卿身份,充任和议使。宗泽说:“此行不打算活着回来了。”有人问他原因,宗泽说“敌人能够悔过撤兵当然好,否则怎么能向金人屈节而辱君命呢?”有人认为宗泽刚直方正不屈服,恐怕有害于和议,皇上于是不派他出使,而任命他为磁州知州。当时太原失守,出任两河地区的官员都借故不到任。宗泽说:“享受朝廷奉禄却逃避困难,是不行的。”宗泽受命,当日就独自骑马上路,随从的只有十几名老弱士卒。宗泽到达后,修缮城墙,疏浚隍池,整治器械,招募义勇之士,开始作固守不后退的打算。皇上表示称赞,任命宗泽为河北义兵都总管。金人攻破真定,领兵南取庆源,从李固镇渡黄河,担心宗泽率兵追踪,便派遣几千骑兵直攻磁州城。宗泽披甲登城,命令壮士以神臂弓将敌骑射跑,然后开门追击,斩杀敌人几百人。所缴获的羊马金帛,全部赏给士兵。泽前后请求皇上还京的奏疏有二十余封,每次都被黄潜善等人压下来,忧愤成疾,生了背疽(七情郁结所致)。诸位将领进入府中去探问病情,宗泽显出急遽的样子说:“我因为二帝蒙受羞辱的事情,累积愤怒到了这种地步。你们这些人如果能歼灭敌人,那么我死了就没有遗憾了。”众人都流着眼泪说:“哪敢不竭尽心力!”诸将出了门,宗泽感叹说:“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。”第二天,风雨很大,白天都显得很昏暗。宗泽没有一句话谈及家事,只是连着呼喊"过河"三声而去世,都(应该是都城吧)的老百姓大声恸哭。宗泽质朴直爽遵守道义,贫穷的亲人故交大多依靠他过活,而他对待自己却十分的刻薄。经常说:“君主侧身(韩信)尝胆(勾践)忍受屈辱,发奋图强,做臣子的居然住着舒适的居所吃着美食么!”开始,宗泽下书召集绿林群盗,聚集兵器储备粮草,连结燕赵的豪杰,自己认为(谓可解释为认为)渡过黄河,攻克金兵是指日可待的。有这样的志向,却没有完成,认识他的人都很遗憾这件事情。
