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The story tells us that a little boy helped many people in the forest; and later when he got into trouble, all the people who have been helped by him came and tried their best to save him.



I have received the letter, in which there is a mistake, that is my name is niuying instead of miuying. I am a publisher, and I have been into publishing for 27 years. I am going to Los Angeles for a holiday, and I was invited by my friends Mr. and Mrs. Hu. Though I have never been to Hawaii, I know that place and I like it. Because I usually draw Chinese painting, I really like the customs of Hawaii. For my part, going to Hawaii in 2011 maybe is the most exciting thing if I have time.


信收到。我的名字是 niuying,不是miuying。我一直从事出版工作27年了,是一个出版人。我这次去洛杉矶完全是度假游玩,是受我的好朋友美国华人胡先生夫妇的盛情邀请去的。我没去过夏威夷,但是我了解并很喜欢夏威夷。因为我经常画中国画,夏威夷的风土人情我很欣赏!我想2011年有时间能去夏威夷看看应该是我最快乐的事情了
Letters received. My name is niuying, not miuying. I have been in publishing for 27 years, is a publisher. I went to Los Angeles for holiday, by my good friend, Chinese American couple, mr hu and mrs hu's kind invitation . I have not been to Hawaii, but I know and love Hawaii. Because I often draw Chinese painting, I appreciate the customs of Hawaii! I would like to travel to Hawaii in 2011,which is the happiest things in my life .

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  • 翻译一小段话
  • 答:我会很高兴来提供帮助。你想让我做什么,让我知道,我会试着把这些事做好。同样请不要在课堂上害羞。我希望有人说话。我会鼓励你去这样做的。这样会帮你提高英语。让我知道你是否还有其他问题。感谢你花时间想我求助。我不会告诉别人这件事,请不要担心 ...

  • 翻译一小段话
  • 答:在我小的时候,我花了超过十年的时间学习小提琴。但是,我却没能懂得“真正的音乐”。 当我从高中毕业之后,我的一位朋友建议我学习吉他,因为我们都认为(学习吉他)很酷。我永远不会忘记我们去吉他店买吉他的那一天。在那儿我看到一位吉他手演奏吉他,我非常喜欢(他的演奏)。他成为了我第一位吉他...
