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请根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,围绕optimism用英语写一篇短文。Optimism is the faith that lea 请根据以下提示,结合一则人生励志故事,用英语写一篇短文。Re...
请根据以下提示, 结合生活中的一个事例, 就“乐观”这一话题, 用英语写一篇短文。Optimism always leads~

Optimism plays an important role in all aspects of one’s life. If you can change yourself from a pessimist to an optimist, you are sure to change your fate. Until the beginning of Senior Grade Two, I did poorly in English, but I was unwilling to give up struggling because I was always encouraged by both the people around me and myself. I kept practicing speaking, listening, reading and writing. When I was fed up with listening, I usually entertained myself by reading some interesting English stories and jokes or seeing English films. When I had trouble getting words flowing on paper, I turned to word games or English songs. Whatever setback I encountered, I welcomed it and was always able to make myself cheerful and optimistic, dreaming about a splendid future and believing that hard work would eventually pay off. Gradually, I made progress beyond belief in my English. Thanks to optimism, I have become one of the top English learners in my class now. 试题分析:考查开放性作文写作,开放性作文给出了一个话题,并有部分的文字提示。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体,如besides, further, last but not least等。在发表个人观点的时候,可以使用谚语来提升整个文章的档次和文采,也能增加得高分的可能性。【亮点说明】文章使用了很好的短语和句子:play an important role in在…方面起着重要的作用,be unwilling to 不愿意,give up 放弃,be fed up with厌倦于, have trouble (in)doing做…有困难,made progress beyond belief 取得难以置信的进步,Thanks to 多亏了,Whatever setback I encountered, I welcomed it and was always able to make myself cheerful and optimistic, dreaming about a splendid future and believing that hard work would eventually pay off. 这句话用了让步状语从句。

Regarded as a lecture master, Nick Vujicic, without arms and legs by birth, is the very person I’ve been admiring. Disabled as he is, he has proved to the world that he can live as rich and full a life as a normal person. He never sat around feeling sorry for himself, nor did he worry about his future. On the contrary, owing to his optimism and perseverance, not only has he succeeded in caring for himself and playing sports, but he also graduated with distinction and completed a double degree. What amazes and inspires me most is that he is keen on delivering speeches and has even started a non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs, to help others like him attain their ambitions. On his life journey, Nick has sought after the best himself despite his disabilities. Similarly, We are what we are, not what we were or what we will be. Cherish the present, develop our limitless potential, and we’ll also lead a more meaningful life. 试题分析:考查开放性作文。开放性作文给出了一个话题,并有部分的文字提示。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体。【亮点说明】Regarded as a lecture master, Nick Vujicic, without arms and legs by birth, is the very person I’ve been admiring. 这句话用过去分词做状语和定语从句, Disabled as he is, he has proved to the world that he can live as rich and full a life as a normal person. 这句话用了as的倒装句,He never sat around feeling sorry for himself, nor did he worry about his future. 这句话也是倒装句,On the contrary, owing to his optimism and perseverance, not only has he succeeded in caring for himself and playing sports, but he also graduated with distinction and completed a double degree. 这句话用了not only…,but also….de 结构,What amazes and inspires me most is that he is keen on delivering speeches and has even started a non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs, to help others like him attain their ambitions. 这句话用了主语从句和宾语从句, Similarly, We are what we are, not what we were or what we will be.这句话用了表语从句 Cherish the present, develop our limitless potential, and we’ll also lead a more meaningful life. 这是“祈使句+and+简单句”的句型。

Optimism is important in all aspects of our life. If you can change your mind from pessimism, you can change your life.
Up to the beginning of Senior Grade Two, I did poorly in my English but I didn’t give in because I was always encouraged by both the people around me and myself. I kept practicing speaking, listening, reading and writing. When I was fed up with reading or writing, I usually entertained myself by reading some interesting English stories, jokes and humors or seeing English films. When I had some trouble in reciting or memorizing, I tried to amuse myself by playing word games or singing English songs. By this means, I always made myself cheerful and optimistic, full of splendid and colorful dreams of future. I kept practicing. Gradually, I made progress in my English. .
Thanks to the optimism, I have become one of the top students in my class by now.

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