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谁能帮我找一篇关于土木工程的英语文献啊,汉字翻译不少于300字,谢谢啦 谁知道土木工程专业英语的参考文献/


Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers (Handbook) by Jonathan Ricketts, M. Loftin and Frederick Merritt
Civil Engineering Handbook,by W.F.Chen
The Architect's Portable Handbook, by PAT GUTHRIE,McGraw-Hill Company.

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings. Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it was defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering. It is traditionally broken into several sub-disciplines including environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, municipal or urban engineering, water resources engineering, materials engineering, coastal engineering, surveying, and construction engineering. Civil engineering takes place on all levels: in the public sector from municipal through to federal levels, and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international companies.

History of civil engineering
Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked to advances in understanding of physics and mathematics throughout history. Because civil engineering is a wide ranging profession, including several separate specialized sub-disciplines, its history is linked to knowledge of structures, materials science, geography, geology, soils, hydrology, environment, mechanics and other fields.
Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and construction was carried out by artisans, such as stone masons and carpenters, rising to the role of master builder. Knowledge was retained in guilds and seldom supplanted by advances. Structures, roads and infrastructure that existed were repetitive, and increases in scale were incremental.
One of the earliest examples of a scientific approach to physical and mathematical problems applicable to civil engineering is the work of Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, including Archimedes Principle, which underpins our understanding of buoyancy, and practical solutions such as Archimedes' screw. Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, used arithmetic in the 7th century AD, based on Hindu-Arabic numerals, for excavation (volume) computations.



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  • 答:Civil engineering is that branch ofengineering which aims to provide a comfortable and save living for the people.As is known to us all, It has a long history, but it is also full of vigorous.Civil engineering is theengineering that deals with the design and construction of ...

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  • 答:帮助的人:3亿 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 土木工程的英文是Civil Engineering ,直译是民用工程,它是建造各种工程的统称。它既指建设的对象,即建造在地上,地下,水中的工程设施,也指应用的材料设备和进行的勘测,设计施工,保养,维修等专业技术。土木工程随着人类社会的进步而发展,至今已经演变成为大型综...
