移动学习网 导航

you - keep in touch with your team while climbing a big mountain so thatyou - get help in time
be in touch with 与keep in touch with与get in touch with区别~

get in touch with 是“与...取得联系”,强调动作,如I can't get in touch with my old friends after my cell phone was stolen.。keep in touch with 是"保持联系”与be in touch with 相似,都是强调一种状态。如跟朋友道别时,可以说“Keep in touch!"

Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature .However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.


Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.


There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.


Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms”. They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it’s free.


选A should 是应该的意思,而can表示可以。句子可以翻译为:当爬山时你应该和你的队伍保持联系,这样你就能及时得到帮助!




