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“had better”这个词组有哪些用法? had better 用法
had better的用法~

had better 是 最好 的意思
eg(举个例子):You had better go out for a walk。(你最好出去走走)
You had better go out .你最好不要出去

注意,You had better 可以写为 You'd better

should not
had better
had better not do sth.

1.had better的基本用法特点


You’d better get some sleep.你最好去睡一会儿。

We had better go before it rains.


2.had better如何构成否定式和疑问式

构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后 (而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前。

如:I’d better not disturb him.我最好别去打扰他。

What had we better do?我们最好怎么办?


如:Hadn’t we better go now?我们是不是现在就去呢?

3.had better后接进行式和完成式动词


如:I think I’d better be going.我想我最好还是马上走。

You’d better be getting your clothes ready.你最好马上把衣服准备好。

You had better have done that.你最好把那事做完。

You had better have stayed here.


You had better的用法注意事项

1. had better 的基本用法特点

其意为“最好”、“应该”,后接动词原形,与情态动词should用法相似,其中的had通常缩略为 ‘d:You’d better get some sleep.你最好去睡一会儿。

We had bettergo before it rains.我们最好在下雨前就去。

2. had better 如何构成否定式和疑问式

构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前:

I’d better not disturb him.我最好别去打扰他。

What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办? 


Hadn’t we better go now? 我们是不是现在就去呢? 

3. had better 后接进行式和完成式动词


I think I’d better be going.我想我最好还是马上走。

You’d better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好马上把衣服准备好。

You had betterhave done that. 你最好把那事做完。

You had better have stayed here. 你本来应该呆在这儿的。

4. had better的几点用法说明

(1)had better用于提出建议或请求时,并不是一个很客气委婉的表达,它暗示对方有义务去做某事,因此通常用于长辈对晚辈或上级对下级等,而不宜反过来用。

(2) had best与had better用法和含义均差不多,但不如had better普通:

You had best get home before midnight.你最好在午夜之前回到家里。

We had best be going.我们最好现在就走。


You better stop arguing.你们最好不要争论了。

Better not wait for him. 最好不要等他了。

Better say yes, if they ask you. 如果他们问你,你最好说“是”。


"I promise I’ll pay you back." "You better had." “我保证还给你。”“你最好还给我。”

had better是“最好”的意思,可将其视为“情态”动词,可用于一切人称,没有任何词形变化。

had better(常简略为'd better)是一固定词组,had better"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。其用法有以下几点:
一、had better后面必须跟动词原形。
had better后跟动词原形(即不带to的不定式),构成had better do sth.句型。
You'd better go to hospital at once.你最好立即去医院看病。
Tom, you'd better go there today.汤姆,你最好今天去那儿。

二、主语不论是第几人称,句子不论是什么时态,都要用had better的形式。如:
Now you(he,we) had better listen to the teacher.你(他,我们)现在最好听老师讲。
三、had better可用于的时态。

1.had better用于指现在。如:

Now you had better listen to the radio.你现在最好听收音机。
You had better be quiet.你最好安静一些。
2.had better用于指将来。如:
You had better start tomorrow.你最好明天动身。
We had better buy the more expensive one. It will last much longer and so it will be cheaper in the end.我们最好还是买贵些的,它更经久耐用,所以到头来,它还是更便宜些。
3.had better用于进行式,表示讲话人提出建议时,动作正在进行。如:
We had better be watching the TV play.我们最好现在就看到电视剧。
We had better be starting back now.我们最好现在就动身回去。
4.had better + have + V-ed可表示"本该做而没有做的事"。如:
You had better have done it .如果你把那件事办妥就好了。(但实际上你没有那样做)
You had better have stayed with us .要是当时你和我们呆在一起多好啊。(实际上没有)
四、had better的否定式。如:
常用的否定形式是将否定副词not直接放在had better的后面。如:
You had better not miss the last bus.你最好不要错过末班公共汽车。
You had better not leave for Nanjing the day after tomorrow.你最好后天不要动身去南京。
注意:否定副词not绝不能放在had的后面。如:不能说:You hadn't better go.而应该    说:You had better not go.
五、had better的疑问式。
had better通常不以普通疑问句的形式出现。但有时用于否定疑问句,常用Hadn't+主语 +better...?结构,作为一种劝告形式,比肯定形式的语气更婉转一些。如:
Hadn't you better take an umbrella?你不认为该带一把伞吗?
Hadn't you better ask him first?你不认为该先问问他吗?

had better的几点用法说明:

(1) had better 用于提出建议或请求时,并不是一个很客气委婉的表达,它暗示对方有义务去做某事,因此通常用于长辈对晚辈或上级对下级等,而不宜反过来用。

(2) had best与had better用法和含义均差不多,但不如had better普通:

You had best get home before midnight.你最好在午夜之前回到家里。

We had best be going.我们最好现在就走。

(3) 有时可省略其中的had:

You better stop arguing.你们最好不要争论了。

Better not wait for him. 最好不要等他了。

Better say yes, if they ask you. 如果他们问你,你最好说“是”。

(4) 有时为了强调,可将better置于had之前:

"I promise I’ll pay you back." "You better had." “我保证还给你。”“你最好还给我。
