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~   我最喜欢的传统节日是春节。每到大年三十,商场里人来人往,大家都忙着买年货。怎么写一传统节日的英语作文呢?下面是我给大家精心挑选的,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!
  My favorite traditional festival is the Spring Festival. At the end of the year, there were people in the mall and everyone was busy buying New Year's goods. But you know what? There is also a wonderful fairy tale that I will tell you.

  Legend has it that in a valley there lived a strange mouse named nian, who attacked a village in the mountains every night of the Spring Festival. Village people are very afraid of years, ready to the New Year's day, on the road, they saw a fairy, fairy told them in the most afraid of red things and noise, people listen to, hurriedly to buy Spring Festival couplets and drums. In the evening, when he came again, he saw red, and he heard the gong and drum and ran away. The village was peaceful.

  Now, we go to the firecracker shop and buy a lot of fireworks every time we celebrate the New Year and finish our lunch. Fireworks in the evening, I can't wait to take out the torn bags, fireworks and lit with lighter carefully after launch to the sky, and only hear a loud *** ack, a bunch of beautiful fireworks in the sky, colorful and fantastic. After the fireworks, I went home and watched the party with my family.

  We have many traditional festivals in China, including Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, qingming festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn festival... My favorite is the Lantern Festival.

  On the night of the Lantern Festival, the people who went out to the far gate came back. Our family rushed back home. The sun was setting and people were eating yuanxiao, and they were clustered together in front of the ancestral temple. When we came to the ancestral temple, the ancestral temple was a sea of people, and the drum was very busy. In the temple, the lights are brightly lit, the aroma is wreathed, the people place the most abundant food, the pig head, the chicken, the duck, the five fragrant rolls, rice cakes... To worship our ancestors, pray for a safe and peaceful year. The left side of the temple was set up on the left side of the temple to sing a high stage drama. The old people moved to the long chair to see god. On the right is a puppet show. A group of children is watching with relish. A tall turret is built nearby, and brother elder brothers are playing the exciting "cannon city". Firecrackers, singing, gong and drums... The little mountain village was boiling. At about 8 o 'clock, the front of the ancestral temple was huge. People were jumping in the fire. Some of them carried shimizu, the flag of the lantern, and the oil lantern which carried the paper. The long swimming lights are like a giant dragon swimming on a winding mountain road. The team had to go through every village in the village. Every household has to hang red lanterns, fire crackers, burn fire heaps and meet the team of swimming lights. As soon as the lights were on, the lights were blazing and the fire was burning. The village turned into a sea of joy.

  I love the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival and the Lantern Festival.


  元宵节那天晚上,出远门的村里人都回来了。我们一家人也匆匆忙忙地赶回老家。太阳快落山了,人们吃完元宵,都聚居到祖庙前。我们到祖庙时,祖庙已是人山人 海,锣鼓掀天,非常热闹。庙里灯火辉煌,香气缭绕,人们摆上最丰盛的食物,用猪头、鸡、鸭、五香卷、米糕……来敬拜祖先,祈祷一年平平安安,红红火火。庙 外左边搭起戏台唱起高甲戏,老人们搬来长条椅,看得入神。右边正在上演木偶戏,一群小孩看得津津有味。旁边搭起高高的炮塔,大哥哥们正在玩 *** 的“攻炮 城”。鞭炮声、唱戏声、锣鼓声,喝彩声……响成一片,小山村沸腾了。八点左右,祖庙前鞭炮大放,人们在那里跳火堆,要开始游灯了。大家有的抬清水祖师,有 的举彩旗,还有的抬着纸糊的油灯笼。长长的游灯队伍像一条巨大的火龙在蜿蜒的山路上游动。游灯队伍都得经过村里每一户人家。家家户户都得挂红灯笼,放鞭 炮,烧火堆,迎接游灯队伍。游灯队伍一到烟花绽放,鞭炮大放,火堆烧得旺旺的,照着人们喜气洋洋的脸。村子里变成一片欢乐的海洋。

  As the saying goes, "different winds of a hundred miles are different." There are different holiday customs in every region. New Year's eve is the most popular in China.

  New Year's eve is a traditional festival in our country. It is the last day of the year, also called the great night. On the night of New Year's eve, firecrackers were incessant and noisy.

  Now let me tell you how our home is on New Year's eve!

  On New Year's eve, our family will set off firecrackers. In the morning, I still slept in my lazy sleep, mom got up early to clean the room, and my father worked with his mother. At noon, we eat ordinary rice as usual. In the evening, it is noisy, the play is very happy.

  We will take some white radishes, cut them into *** all pieces, put candles on them, and then click on the fire and put them in every corner of the house. And then I'll get all the lights on in the house. When we had dinner, our large family would go to our grandparents' house for a reunion dinner, and I would play firecrackers with my friends or family.

  We all went upstairs, but didn't sleep, just upstairs.

  At twelve o 'clock in the evening, my father set off the firecrackers and lit the fireworks. It was beautiful. When I finished, my father took me to the temple. I didn't know what to say.

  This is my "New Year's eve." New Year's eve is always so special, so unforgettable!









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