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~ 1、 培 根读书名言:

2、 书籍是渡船时间大海

3、 bacons famous quote reading:

4、 the book is the ship across the sea of time (bacon)

5、 阅读使人渊博,辩论使人机敏,写作使人精细。

6、 有些书可以品尝,有些书可以吞下,几本书应该咀嚼和消化。

7、 reading people profound,the debate on smart people,people writing fine.

8、 书籍是思想之船,在时代的波涛中航行。它小心翼翼地把珍贵的货物运给一代又一代

9、 for a taste of some,and some can be swallowed,there is only a few books should be chewing to digest.

10、 读书不是为了辩驳,也不是盲目信从,更不是为了寻找谈话信息,而是为了权衡和思考。

11、 the book is in the stormy times in the idea of sailing ships,which carefully the precious cargo to generation after generation

12、 reading is not as a rebuttal to,nor is it to blindly from the letter,the talk is not to find information,but to go to balance and reflection.

13、 阅读充实;谈话敏捷;写作和笔记准确。历史使人明智;诗歌使人聪明;数学使人精细;博物馆深沉;伦理庄重;逻辑和修辞使人善辩。

14、 enrich people read; talks make agile; writing and make accurate notes. kam history of wise people; poetry people qiao-hui,mathematical people fine; museum people deep; ethical people solemnly; logic and rhetoric make shanbian.

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