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  • 节约用纸英语作文
  • 答:From learning to life, we can not do without paper, and paper-making raw materials are mainly bark and other plant fibers, but because people blindly cutting. Now less and less trees, so we have to save paper, everybody, from little things around us."Saving paper" concept for...

  • 保留纸质书的好处英语作文120词左右
  • 答:范文:Paper books are more intuitive. Compared with e-books, paper books will be more intuitive. A book is put there and can be read without looking for or thinking. The user experience is better. When people read, they have to draw.At this time, the advantages of paper ...

  • 有关中国剪纸的英语作文
  • 答:写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history.It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.剪纸有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式。它可以追溯到东汉时期。In traditional ...

  • 关于“节约纸张,保护环境”的英语作文?
  • 答:1.It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. ...

  • paper英文
  • 答:2、动词指用墙纸裱糊,贴糊墙纸; 用纸包起; 用砂纸把?打光; 为?提供纸张; <俚> 发免费入场券使(剧场等)满座; <古> 在纸上写下。3、及物动词指纸质的,纸板(或制型纸)做的; 似纸的,薄的; <书> 纸面的, 平装的; 纸上的,未实施的,有名无实的; 以书面形式进行的,书面往来的;...

  • 关于纸的发明的英语作文
  • 答:They had no paper in the world, people have to bamboo, animal bones, stone and other items on the write; said to be China's Cai Lun invented paper, but now there is another way of saying that the invention of paper should be about 200 years earlier than Cai Lun; No ...

  • 关于纸的发明英语作文!!! 快快快!!! 急急急急!!!
  • 答:In its beginning age, before the invention of paper, the turtle shell, animal bone, golden stone, bamboo slips, wood and cloth were used for recording and remembering things.AD 105 is often cited as the year in which papermaking was invented. In that year, historical records ...

  • 英语作文:《造纸术给生活带来的方便》十句话
  • 答:According to legend,in BC 105 yuan,Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking,paper predecessors,he summed up the experience,through trial and error,with the bark,hemp,rags,old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming,copy,arch,etc.72 craft,and finally made a ...

  • 英语作文:我们应该如何节约用纸?
  • 答:译文:我们生活在地球上,依赖多种自然资源。但是这些资源非常有限,所以我们应该努力拯救它们。例如,在我们的日常生活中,当我们用完水时,我们应该关掉水龙头。洗脸或刷牙时不要让水流动。此外,我们应该正确使用纸张。我们应该两面都写,最好把用过的书发给低年级学生。那样的话,我们可以拯救很多树。

  • 关于纸的发明的英语作文
  • 答:他用树皮,麻头和旧布,渔网和其他植物材料,在下拉磅,复制,烘焙纸和其他的制造工艺,现代纸的起源。自从发明造纸,该文件将是一个为社会和文化生活的新态度,逐步蔓延,中国的土地,后来在世界各地蔓延。纸是用来书写,印刷,绘画或纤维板材产品的包装。一般来说,通过处理水悬浮植物纤维制浆,一上线隔...


    梁匡盾15546478791:   求小伙伴们帮忙,,,一篇关于剪纸艺术的英语作文,,谢谢 -
    邵东县1955回复: [答案] Papercut is an art, but few understand it. Now I want to introduce to you the paper-cut! Paper-cut is one of the most popular folk art in China, according to the textual research, confirmed its histor...

    梁匡盾15546478791:   剪纸培训反思英语作文
    邵东县1955回复: 在中国,剪纸艺术历史悠久,它是我国民族文化的重要组成部分,同时也是人类非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,有关剪纸的英语作文怎么写呢?本文是我整理的有关剪纸...

    梁匡盾15546478791:   急!用英语介绍中国剪纸艺术 -
    邵东县1955回复: 剪 纸 是 中 国 最 为 流 行 的 民 间 艺 术 之 一 , 根 据 考 古 其 历 史 可 追 朔 到 公 元 六 世 纪 , 但 人 们 认 为 它 的 实 际 开 始 时 间 比 这 还 要 早 几 百 年 . 剪 纸 常 用 于 宗 教 仪 式 , 装 饰 和 造 型 艺 术 等 方 面 . 在 过 去 , 人 们 经 常 ...

    梁匡盾15546478791:   求一篇英语作文,说废话的走远点!关于剪纸的,具体内容如下今年春节,我和几个同学拜访了小区的剪纸能手韩老师,我们看到她在窗户和门上贴上了非常... -
    邵东县1955回复: [答案] Spring Festival this year, I and a few classmates visited the area of paper-cutting expert teacher Han, we saw her on the windows and doors labeled a very beautiful paper-cut to decorate the room.She ...

    梁匡盾15546478791:   需要一份关于中国剪纸的介绍,还要有英文翻译,有点急,帮帮忙~~~ -
    邵东县1955回复: [答案] 剪 纸 是 中 国 最 为 流 行 的 民 间 艺 术 之 一 ,根 据 考 古 其 历 史 可 追 朔 到 公 元 六 世 纪 ,但 人 们 认 为 它 的 实 际 ... 因 为 只 有 男 人 才 能 在 作 坊 里 一 起 劳 作 并 挣 工 钱 . 中国剪纸艺术英语介绍 Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of ...

    梁匡盾15546478791:   跟别人介绍中国剪纸的历史英语作文80词左右 -
    邵东县1955回复: [答案] Chinese Paper Cutlong history over 2,000 yearsvery popular in different parts of China,young or old,be fond of,do well in…different shapes birds,animals,flowers…Where do people put C...
