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  • 剪纸英文介绍小短文
  • 答:剪纸英文介绍小短文如下:Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history. It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cuts can reflect various aspects of life such as prosperity, health or harvest.Although other art forms,...

  • 一张纸用英语怎么说
  • 答:一张纸的英文是:a piece of paper。一、a piece of(其后只接不可数名词)英 [ə piːs ɒv],美 [ə piːs əv]一块;一只 例句:I picked up a piece of wood and started carving.翻译:我拿起一块木头,开始雕刻起来。二、paper 英 ['peɪp...

  • 谁能给我一些关于特种纸的英文介绍?
  • 答:specialty paper is a kind of paper with special qualities,it is made from different fibres crushed together with a crushing machine. for instance, with the raw material of solely synthetic fibre or mixed wood pulp, and with treatment, the papers has different uses and different quali...

  • 关于纸张的好处英语作文带翻译
  • 答:范文:Paper books are more intuitive. Compared with e-books, paper books will be more intuitive. A book is put there and can be read without looking for or thinking. The user experience is better. When people read, they have to draw.At this time, the advantages of paper book...

  • 请问一下,关于造纸术的英文介绍
  • 答:造纸术介绍英文:Papermaking is one of the four great inventions in China. It was invented in the Western Han Dynasty and improved in the Eastern Han Dynasty. China is the first country in the world to raise silkworms and weave silk.In particular, Cai Lun's improved papermaking ...

  • 白卡纸、白底白版纸、灰底白版纸在英语中怎么说?
  • 答:白卡纸的英文:ivory board;白底白版纸的英文:coated duplex board with white back;灰底白版纸的英文:coated duplex board with grey back board 读法 英 [bɔːd] 美 [bɔrd]1、n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食 2、vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿 3...

  • 英国的旅游景点英文介绍 英国旅游景点英文介绍ppt
  • 答:英文介绍英国著名景点,最好有中文翻译,谢谢英国著名景点中英文:1.爱丁堡爱丁堡(Edinburgh)是英国著名的文化古城、苏格兰首府,位于苏格兰中部低地的福斯湾的南岸。面积260km_。1329年建市,1437-1707年为苏格兰王国首都。造纸和印刷出版业历史悠久,造船、化工、核能、电子、电缆、玻璃和食品等工业也重要。随着北海油田的开...

  • 用英文介绍折简单的纸船的步骤
  • 答:创建折纸船的主要形状。折痕和展开的正方形折纸对角的一半。Position the paper as a diamond and pinch the lower half approximately one finger width from the center crease up to make a ridge. Fold the ridge up so that it lands over the center crease.将纸张定位为菱形,将下半部分从...

  • 有关剪纸的英语作文范文怎么写
  • 答:以下是关于剪纸的英语范文,每篇作文均为带翻译。范文一:When early spring festival, many local people like sticking each kind of paper-cut on windows .Not only the paper-cut window decoration has contrasted the jubilation festive atmosphere, moreover has also brought beautiful enjoyment ...

  • 需要一份关于中国剪纸的介绍,还要有英文翻译,有点急,帮帮忙~~~_百度知...
  • 答:而 职 业 的 剪 纸 艺 人 则 常 常 是 男 人 , 因 为 只 有 男 人 才 能 在 作 坊 里 一 起 劳 作 并 挣 工 钱 。中国剪纸艺术英语介绍 Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People paste patterns on the window, door lintel or...


    韶飞软15219427475:   用英语介绍快板和剪纸,不用太长,最多用30秒就可以说完 -
    岳塘区2839回复: A traditional Chinese decorative folk art, also be called “The window Flowers” .The earliest known paper-cut in China dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Paper-cut is a picture cut out on a paper with scissors.A good paper-cut require ...

    韶飞软15219427475:   剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一翻译为英语Paperc
    岳塘区2839回复: Paper cutting is one of the most popular traditional folk art forms in China.形容词多只能怪原句的定语太多了.art forms of folk tradition太别扭了.

    韶飞软15219427475:   介绍王奶奶剪纸的英语作文 -
    岳塘区2839回复: 优质解答 Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years.It can be seen in different parts of China.Many people,no matter young or old,are fond of it.People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut.They cut paper into different ...
