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  • 介绍中国的英语作文
  • 答:中文翻译:中国,正式名称为中华人民共和国,位于东亚地区,是世界上人口最多的国家,拥有超过14亿人口。中国有着5000多年的悠久历史,是世界上最古老的连续文明之一。中国的长城、故宫和兵马俑只是国家众多非凡历史遗址的其中几个例子。中国还以其多样的美食,传统艺术和武术实践而闻名。 《介绍中国》英语作文 篇二: The ...

  • 关于传统文化的英语作文关于传统文化的英语作文及翻译
  • 答:1、英文:Chinahasthehistoryofmorethan5,000yearsandwearesoproudoftheprofoundculture.Everyyear,wearesolookingforwardtospendingtheholidayduringthetraditionalfestivals.TheyaretheimportantpartofChinesetraditionalculture.Butforyoungpeople,themeaningofthesefestivalisfadingaway.Whenyoungpeopleareaskedaboutthemeaning...

  • 关于中国文化的英文演讲稿不要太长
  • 答:Confucius said: "Hiromichi people, non-Daohong people." Zeng said: "The people can not Hong-yi, a long way to go." However, in this so-called moral behind, one after another in the heroic deeds, there is always a Millennium same spirit of the existence of content, which ...

  • 如何发扬中国传统文化英文
  • 答:The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or ...

  • 怎么用英语来介绍中国的传统文化
  • 答:编者按:中国有许多传统文化与工艺品,它们都是中国的文化遗产,我们要好好保护我们当代文化,并向世界发扬光大,怎么用英语来介绍中国的传统文化呢?龙(lóng;dragon)Adragonisalegendarycreature,ThedragonsymbolisfrequentlyusedonancientChineseemperor'sitemsincludingchairsorcostumes.Itisconsidereda...

  • 中国文化英语短文快
  • 答:中国的饮食文化Chinese food culture stretching more than 170 million years, is divided into raw food, cooked food, natural cooking, science and cooking four stages of development, introduction of more than 60,000 kinds of traditional dishes point, more than 20,000 kinds of industrial ...

  • 关于中国传统文化的英语作文
  • 答:the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society,where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture.In the city,no one can escape from the fast pace.We eat the popularized fast foo...

  • 用英语介绍中国茶文化
  • 答:介绍中国茶文化的英语短文如下:Tea from China,Chinese tea drinking tea has 4000 years of history.When it comes to the types of tea,is really more species,especially longjing tea is famous in the world. Cup of tea,tea POTS are usually made of ceramic.Tea can be drunk in many ...

  • 以“民族文化”为题写一篇英语作文。
  • 答:Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is easy to learn the rudiments. Paper cutting covers nearly all topics, from flowers, birds, animals, legendary people, figures in classic novels, to types of facial make-up in Peking opera. Paper cutting has various styles in different ...

  • 翻译:我希望我们能将中国文化发扬光大。
  • 答:Through this topic in Chinese culture, we have a deeper understanding of our motherland and proud. I hope we can carry on Chinese culture.


    印肺柴17888983800:   请以以chineseculture为题,写一篇英语短文 -
    郓城县2849回复: In recent years,there are more and more Confucius Institutes being built all around the world,which shows that our Chinese culture become much more popular than ever.As one of the four ancient civilizations,China has long history and creates many...

    印肺柴17888983800:   一篇介绍中国的小短文,英语的. -
    郓城县2849回复: 介绍中国的英语短文,这篇不难,可以参考:)~ China is situated in the southeastern part of the Eurasian continent and is bordered in the east by the Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of 9,560,900 km² and is the third largest country in the world, ...

    印肺柴17888983800:   一篇写中国的小短文英语 -
    郓城县2849回复: 中国是世界上人口最多的国家.中国有960万平方公里的国土.中国有56个民族.中国的首都是北京.熊猫是中国的国宝.牡丹是中国的国花.长城是地球上在月球上唯一能看到的建筑.2800年奥运会就要到了,欢迎大家来北京!China is most ...

    印肺柴17888983800:   英语作文china50字左右. -
    郓城县2849回复: [答案] China 中国 中国是一个具有容纳精神和海纳百川的城市,这样的城市注定会人来人往,同样又热闹非凡,文化的精粹和人文的气质,百年历史使这座城市在光照下显得熠熠生辉,独居韵味. 中国历来被形容成母亲,它代表着一种坚强,现在,正有更...
