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  • 用why造句带回答翻译3个句子
  • 答:给单词造句是我最喜欢的,下面就欣赏三个带Why的句子吧~ ①Why did you buy a spade?翻译:你买铁锨干什么? ②Why didn't you go there?翻译:你为什么没去那儿? ③Why spend such a lot of money?翻译:为什么要花这么多钱呢...

  • 10个翻译句子
  • 答:1. Look, this is my father and my mother when young photos. Both of them appear more happy!2 digital camera is becoming more and more popular, but some are still very expensive.Our duty is to learn ...

  • 5个值得一试的AI翻译工具
  • 答:DeepL是来自德国的AI翻译程序,使用人工神经网络来创建高质量翻译。该软件能够支持七种语言:英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语和波兰语。该软件的最大特色,在于能够在不改变原意的前提下翻译更长的句子甚至段落 腾讯交互翻译 tr...

  • 英文翻译句子短语
  • 答:1.在下午四点 Four in the afternoon 2.讲点汉语 Speaks some Chinese 3.想学数学 Want to learn mathematics 4.去游泳 Go swimming 5.对我们的爷爷奶奶好 For our grandparents 6.在唱歌方面帮助他们 ...

  • 英语翻译句子10个
  • 答:1、he has nothing more to say.2、he won't come here again.3、he was left after other athletes when the match began.4、he left when the meeting was over.5、learning english is too hard to kids.6、...

  • 怎样翻译英语句子
  • 答:一个词一个词的翻译,知道大体意思后,用书面语言表达出来。对于这种比较复杂的中文句子,在正式翻译成英文句子之前,应当按照它的含义,将它划分成不同的部分,以便我们确定英文句子的结构。平时做题也可以借助翻译软件,如:...

  • 英语翻译句子10个
  • 答:1、he has nothing more to say.2、he won't come here again.3、he was left after other athletes when the match began.4、he left when the meeting was over.5、learning english is too hard to kids.6、...

  • 英语句子的翻译
  • 答:1.进入大学以后,他对计算机很感兴趣;Hebecameveryinterestedin;2.集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间;Collectingstampsoccupies;3.只要专心学习,你一定能顺利通过考试;Aslongasyouconcentrateon;4.越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则...

  • 10个翻译句子,10个翻译词组
  • 答:1. I was born on August 9th, 1987.2. My grandpa is ninety years old this year.3. He has sixty four million two hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and ten yuan.4. It takes him twenty five ...

  • 翻译句子
  • 答:1.飞往不同的地方度假= Fly to different places for a vacation 2.尝试/吃西方食品= Try/having western food 3.举办演唱会= Hold a concert 4.卖完,卖光= Sold out 5.她在旁边的座位上=The seat next to her ...


    汤萍刚19330337207:   翻译英语句子 -
    泉州市1842回复: 1. You and your friends to the Park by bike2. Saw a boy fell off his bike3. The boy's right leg was broken.4. You take the boy to hospital5. The boy's parents I am much obliged to...

    汤萍刚19330337207:   翻译句子 -
    泉州市1842回复: 1.对有些人来说,赞美别人可能是再自然不过的事(pay...a compliment) To some people,it can't be more natural to pay others a compliment . 2.这一款机器在很多方面都超过了其竞争对手(superior) This kind of machine is superior to it's ...

    汤萍刚19330337207:   翻译句子英译汉 -
    泉州市1842回复: 1)How do you think who can have that job? 2)HuoLi and his great friend are both like do somethings? 3)My'teacher is loving with students. 4)Ma Liya is cleverest of other girls,she has good grades. 5)Is don't important for me.

    汤萍刚19330337207:   翻译句子英语句子
    泉州市1842回复: 1.operate on 2.stay away from, set off 4.are divided into 5.hold on to

    汤萍刚19330337207:   英语翻译句子
    泉州市1842回复: 1, this is why English has become one kind of regulation language having many making people be at a loss (a substantive clause) 2, our school has been before appearance no longer. (A substantive clause) 3, this is that Lu Xun had once lived ...

    汤萍刚19330337207:   英语翻译句子 -
    泉州市1842回复: 我和安娜是好朋友,我们有很多共同爱好(in common) Anna and I are good friends and we have many hobbies in common.他邀请几位同班同学去看花展(invite,show) He invited several classmates to the flower show.这张照片使我想起了...
