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  • 雅思口语你的日常生活怎么写
  • 答:Afterbreakfast,Iheadtotheoffice.Iusuallyspendthemorninghoursdealingwithemails,planningmyschedule,andpreparingformeetings.Lunchisalightmeal,oftenasaladorsandwich,whichIeatwhilereadingorrespondingtomessages.Intheafternoon,Ifocusonmoreseriouswork,likeresearchoranalysis.IfIfeelenergetic,Imighttakeawalkordosom...

  • 英文介绍中国功夫
  • 答:中国功夫英文介绍:Chinese kungfu is a nickname for "Wushu" in the late Qing Dynasty. It is mainly reflected in the personal application and attainments in Wushu. It is more philosophical.中国功夫是在中国清末关于“武术”的别称,主要体现在个人在武术上的应用和造诣,更具有哲理性。It t...

  • 用英语介绍中国功夫
  • 答:the profoundness namely multi-gradation and multi-orientation of its intercultural significance can be explained in a orrespondingly simply way; thus the research on Gongfu will more effectively oppose the "cultural centered views", so as to raise a new subject and even open up a ...

  • 英语介绍中国武术?
  • 答:identified as "families" (家; jiā), "sects" (派; pài) or "schools" (门; mén) of martial arts. Examples of such traits include Shaolinquan (少林拳) physical exercises involving Five Animals (五形) mimicry, or training methods inspired by Old Chinese philosophies, religions an...

  • map对应词
  • 答:to point it out on map ?是的,很好,但怎么样在地图上指出来呢?As with an operation map, you connect inputs and outputs of one operation to the orresponding inputs and outputs of another operation.与操作映射一样,您将一个操作的输入和输出连接到另一个操作的对应输入和输出。

  • UG10.0显示NX license error:License Server machine
  • 答:原因排查1:先查看电脑的防火墙,看是否为关闭状态,有时因为防火墙没有关闭造成UG软件打开出现-96;原因排查2:UG软件安装后,先查看下UG许可证是否为自动启动状态,查看方法:在电脑上右键-管理-服务,找到其许可证看是否启动;原历排查3:打开UG许可证,对许可证进行设置,勾选force server shutdown...


    厍志茗18071802526:   corresponding 前能加冠词吗 -
    秀英区2578回复: 如果corresponding做形容词并修饰名词时,前面当然可以加冠词啊.如:A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.货币供应量的改变随即引起支出的相应改变.

    厍志茗18071802526:   counterpart和corresponding的区别~看书面翻译都有相对应的意思?那有什么区别呢? -
    秀英区2578回复: [答案] 前者基本用法是名词,作为形容词的意思是:(一个国家得自外国的经济援助而建立的)对应基金的 后者是形容词

    厍志茗18071802526:   correspondingly是什么意思 -
    秀英区2578回复: correspondingly adv.相对地,比照地 双语例句 1 As his political stature has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army. 随着政治声望的降低,他变得更加依赖军队了.2 But rational communication Between human societies has not increased correspondingly. 相对的是人类社会之间的理性沟通却未相应增加和提升.

    厍志茗18071802526:   "对应的"用英语怎么说,比如对应的型号 -
    秀英区2578回复: corresponding 对应的 The corresponding model numbers 对应型号

    厍志茗18071802526:   counterpart和corresponding的区别~~ -
    秀英区2578回复: 前者基本用法是名词,作为形容词的意思是:(一个国家得自外国的经济援助而建立的)对应基金的 后者是形容词

    厍志茗18071802526:   corresponding to 后面可以接句子吗 -
    秀英区2578回复: 可以的,但是有条件.如果在同一个句子中,只能接名词,但是如果想要接句子的话,必须要用“,”隔开.例句:What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract.我们要你做的事情符合合同的规定.It has several fields, correspondingto the data structure you will get from the service.它具有几个与您将从服务获取的数据结构对应的字段.
