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  • 中国风景名胜(英文的,楼下的不许抄,抄的不给分)
  • 答:2、淮河 the Huaihe River (河南、安徽、江苏)3、巢湖 the Chaohu Lake (安徽)4、渤海 the Bohai Sea (辽宁、山东)5、韩江 the Hanjiang River (广东)6、礼县 Lixian County (甘肃陇南地区)都江堰市 Dujiangyan...

  • make sb.
  • 答:2.1eave+O+Past participle Before the final exam,he left nothing undone.在期末考试前,他已做好了一切准备.3.1eave+O+Adjective Fear left her lips stiff.恐惧使她张口结舌.4.1eave+O+Present participle Don't ...

  • 锦轩用于姓名好不好说说含义!!
  • 答:(2) 同本义 [a high-fronted, curtained carriage (used in ancient times)]轩,曲輈藩车。——《说文》轩,安车也。——《声类》而乘轩者三百人也。——《左传·僖公二十八年》舍其文轩。——《战国策·宋策》俄轩...

  • “轩”在古语中作何解释
  • 答:(2) 同本义 [a high-fronted, curtained carriage (used in ancient times)]轩,曲輈藩车。——《说文》轩,安车也。——《声类》而乘轩者三百人也。——《左传·僖公二十八年》舍其文轩。——《战国策·宋策》俄轩...


    魏农屠13845911290:   为什么不能说he will leave after an hour??要用in an hour??????????????? -
    林芝县1318回复: ... 英语习惯啊,表示在多久之后 就是用 in . 比如,火车在一小时之后出发, The train will leave in one hour. 望采纳~

    魏农屠13845911290:   离凌晨还有2个小时如何翻译? -
    林芝县1318回复: it has 2 hours to the morning.There is two more hours to go before morning.It was 2 hours before wee hours.It is still 2 hours before 0 o'clock.It is 10 o'clock in the evening.Leave to have still for 2 hours before down.
