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  • sure短语以及用法
  • 答:3、sure of 确信…的 4、sure enough 果然,果真 5、are you sure 你肯定吗;你确定要…6、sure about 肯定;对…确信的 7、not so sure 不太确定 8、as sure as 千真万确地;和…一样肯定无疑 9、be sure of oneself v. 自信;有自信心 10、make sure of 确定;确保;尽力做到 11、...

  • make sure of sth. 怎么翻译
  • 答:确认某事

  • 用“make sure”造句并翻译成中文
  • 答:I tried to make sure of the problem.我想把这个问题弄明白。Having gained political ties from canny surrenders, Mr Rong made sure he used them.荣毅仁凭借精明的上缴赢得了政治关系,然后他设法确保自己使用了这些关系。make sure,翻译:把...弄明白;确保...词语搭配:make assurance double s...

  • 用make sure怎么造句
  • 答:They want to make sure the newcomers don't get a look-in.Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected.

  • make sure 的用法
  • 答:She will make a good wife.她会成为一个好妻子。11. 使成为;使作为[O9]I've made it a rule never to hurry.我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。12. 使成功 13. 构成;组成 A car is made up of many different parts.汽车是由许多不同的零件组成的。vi.1. 正要做,刚要开始做[+to-v]Geo...

  • make sure of my safety保证我的安全,这个句子对吗
  • 答:make sure of my safety 意思是 “弄清楚我的安全问题”,“保证我的安全” 应该是意思是 make sure that I'm in safety 或 ensure my safety。

  • make sure和 be sure在意思、用法方面有什么区别?
  • 答:例如: — Make sure of his coming before you set off. — I make sure (that) he would come. — 出发之前要确定他是否来。 — 我确信他会来。二者的明显差别就在于后面的动词不定式,如果后面有动词不定式,那一定用be sure,如果没有动词不定式,就要根据具体的含义判断了。

  • make sure, be sure of ,be sure to do,for sure的区别
  • 答:make sure 确认、核实、查证,通常用于祈使句,后面加从句 be sure of +名词、动名词,表示“确信...”“对...有把握”,表示主语对抽象事物很确定 而be sure to do 表示说话人对主语作出判断,认为主语一定会怎样、必然会怎样 for sure 是一个副词短语,比如 I know for sure 我心里明白,...

  • be sure of doing sth和make sure of doing sth有区别吗?
  • 答:be sure表示确定的事; make sure表示要去确定的事。

  • make sure doing 用法
  • 答:为您解答 应该是make sure of doing sth 常用于祈使句,后面常接that宾语从句或of介词短语。这里doing sth是动名词短语,也可以用sth替换,名词或代词。例如:— Make sure of his coming before you set off.— I make sure (that) he would come.Make sure后面接从句或to do 例如 Make sure to...


    敖肤码17354314966:   make sure和 be sure在意思、用法方面有什么区别? -
    南县1598回复: be sure意为“肯定;确定” sure+of/about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握”.但在接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;而be sure about则侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑.例如: He is sure...

    敖肤码17354314966:   make sure of sth等一些造句怎么造tie .tomake sure of sthmake sure to do awaystop...froming 这些句子怎么造句? -
    南县1598回复: [答案] I tie my tie to the tree.Pelase make sure of you.I make sure to learn English well.The ground is hard so that my feet hurt.The thief run away at last.I stop the wind from blowing in.

    敖肤码17354314966:   makesure后面加动词什么形式 -
    南县1598回复: make sure to do sth.make sure of sth make sure + that 从句 Please make sure to turn off the lights when you leave. 离开时请务必要关灯.Please make sure of the time and the place of the meeting. 请确定一下开会的时间和地点.Make sure the work has been done before you leave. 你要确信你离开时工作已经完成.
