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  • 初一英语的词语固定搭配
  • 答:I remember to play basketball with my friends.我记得要去和我的朋友们一起打篮球。remember doing 记得做过的事I remember watching this movie.我记得看过这部电影。I remember playing basketball with my friends.我记得和我的朋友们一起打过篮球。let sb do 让某人做某事Let me help you,please.请让我...

  • 写英语周记
  • 答:I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work. January 18 2005 I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We ...

  • 彼得潘读后感英文
  • 答:Just this year, my friends told me sadly that we are approaching 30 years old. I can’t agree with him any more. I was already grown up. And I must to think about my future. I dare to say that there must have a Peter Pan in everyone’s heart and he can not win ...

  • 哈4伏地魔的话
  • 答:VOLDEMORT Welcome my friends. Thirty years it's been, and yet you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed, not one of you tried to find me.Voldemort begins slashing angrily at the hooded figures.VOLDEMORT Not even you, Lucius.LUCIUS My ...

  • a story about friendship课文翻译
  • 答:我读高一的时候,有一天看到班上一个孩子从学校步行回家。他的名字叫凯勒。他看起来好像是把所有的书都背着。我自言自语地说:为什么在周五还把所有的书都背回家呢?他一定是个没出息的家伙。I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so ...

  • good life ft. B.O.B歌词
  • 答:To my friends in New York, I say hello My friends in L.A., they don’t know Where I’ve been for the past few years or so Paris to China to Col-or-ado Sometimes there’s airplanes I can’t jump out Sometimes it’s bullshit that don’t work now We are god of ...

  • 心怀猛虎,细嗅蔷薇是什么意思
  • 答:My loves leap through the futures fenceTo dance with dream-enfranchised feet.In me the cave-man clasps the seer,And garlanded Apollo goesChanting to Abrahams deaf ear.In me the tiger sniffs the rose.Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble,Since there your elements assemble.

  • 谁有MC英文版饶舌词,(正确英文词)
  • 答:and for giving your heart to me and opening up so much. Over the last 6 months, it's been wonderful; I never expected to feel this way nor actually be with you in this way, experiencing life with you. You are wonderful ... to me, to my friends, to my family. You m...

  • 请问这首英文歌叫什么名字?
  • 答:中文名称:天下一家 英文名称:We Are The World 发行时间:1985年 专辑歌手:群星 Various Artists 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介:1984年,英国歌手菲尔柯林斯(Phil Collins)看到新闻中非洲依索匹亚等地区的人民,长期处于饥荒与营养不良而死亡,遂在圣诞节之前提出构想,由鲍伯盖朵夫(Bob Geldof)担任...

  • 求2篇关于我的宠物的英语演讲稿
  • 答:he came down again to take my coat up. Like that, he helped me carry most of my stuff upstairs.Buddy is very musical. Every time I play the piano, he lies at my feet. If I play well, he lies on his back with his legs in the air as if he is enjoying the music. ...


    戎建闻18223585111:   java 中的一个实现输入年份和月份 显示日历的程序请问那里错了? -
    徐州市2589回复: import java.util.Scanner; public class vb { @SuppressWarnings("resource") public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner sc=new Scanner(; System.out.println("请输入年份"); int yyy=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("请输入月...

    戎建闻18223585111:   my goes on school friend foot to连词成句 -
    徐州市2589回复: [答案] My friend goes to school on foot.

    戎建闻18223585111:   (sql)根据外码约束,生成 S,C,SC 三个表的关系图 -
    徐州市2589回复: 您好,这样的:用工具可以自动生成.就是根据sql语句生成表的.SELECT S.NAME AS 姓名, SUM(CASE WHEN SC.CID = 1 THEN SC.SMONEY ELSE 0 END) AS 宝马, SUM(CASE WHEN SC.CID = 2 THEN SC.SMONEY ELSE 0 END) AS 丰田, SUM(CASE WHEN SC.CID = 3 THEN .

    戎建闻18223585111:   ...are going to take good care of your pet birds.We are going to - ____ - _______ - your pet birds__________.2.I want to invite my friends to the school party.I ... -
    徐州市2589回复: [答案] 1 We are going to take good care of your pet birds.We are going to (look after) your pet birds (well).2.I want to invite my friends to the school party.I want to (ask) my friends (to come) to ...

    戎建闻18223585111:   根据短文回答问题:短文:Dear Mabel,Thank you for your Christmas card.And my friends came to the Christmas party last Friday.We had a very good time.Too... -
    徐州市2589回复: [答案] 1:Mabel 2:A Christmas card 3:No,she wasn't 4:Because she ate lots of food 5:She will visit England
