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  • 关于运动的英文佳句
  • 答:"I don't allow people to put pressure on me. You might not be focused enough. When I enjoy myself I stay focused. "I'll still enjoy myself, I'm still young. I'll still train hard. I'll try to keep on top for as long as I can. "Running is enjoyable. You have to enjoy ...

  • 谁可以帮我翻译一下英文
  • 答:风险管理被认为是在软件产业中最好的减少风险因素的实例,我们不能够确切的预言未来,我们可以运用已经建立的风险管理实例来一瞥看上去象海市蜃楼的陷阱的底线,并且采取行动最小化可能性的事情或是这些潜在问题的冲突。风险管理意味着在问题成为危机前带着焦虑来处理。一个组织没有有效地实践管理风险的症状...

  • 能提供点高中英语单项选择题吗,要详细答案
  • 答:because D、as33、As time went by, the plan stuck ___ fairly practical.A、to proved B、to proving C、proved D、to be proved34、More than one ___ the people heart and soul.A、official has served B、officials have served C、official has served for D、officials have served for35、The...

  • ___ at the top of the Oriental Tower, people below will look v...
  • 答:D 试题分析:考查句子成分:句意:如果你站在Oriental塔顶,下面的人会看起来很小。这句话的主语是people below,但是前面的动作stand不是people below发出的,所以不能用非谓语动词做状语,应该是条件状语从句,选D。

  • 【追加20】小学首字母填空题
  • 答:A. next; to B. next to; beside C. between; and D. opposite; at 2. We usually make dinner in the ___.A. bedroom B. dining room C. kitchen D. grandparents 3. There are ___ days in a year.A. three hundreds and sixty five B. three hundred and s...

  • 完型填空```英语急救
  • 答:No. 01 Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes ___1___ the same way. One morning while he was ___2___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___3___ him came up to him....

  • 我要去利比亚做工程,请问哪位高人知道那里的土壤性质、降水量、适宜乔木...
  • 答:Undergroune water resources with highly salinity in the town occur in the 1/4 and 1/3 formations. Thus the water supply of the town is mainly based on desalinated sea water.阿文:5.地震:SEISMIC CONDITIONS(阿文:)利比亚分为5个地震区,密苏拉达是第5区。地震危险级:7°。The...

  • SAT作文求例子几个 要英文的 谢谢!!
  • 答:He lobbied on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries for human embryonic stem cell research and established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization which raises money for research in spinal cord injuries. Also, he lobbied for scientists to be allowed to ...

  • some people deserve to be hi-fived in the face with a chair 到...
  • 答:“有些人就是欠揍、需要狠狠地揍” 的意思。直译:某些人就是欠打,用椅子直接拍到脸上。

  • ...films(武打片). A. the people B. people C. peoples D
  • 答:答案是B, people.A是“人民”的意思。C是写法错误,people本身就是复数,不需要家s


    巩鱼项19768366252:   动名词加 - ing形式和to do形式有哪些(初中)用法总结 -
    江永县1008回复: 动名词加-ing形式如下总结你可以参考一下: 1)stop to do 表示“停下来(正在做的事情)开始做别的事情”,stop为不及物动词,不定式to do在句中作状语,表示停下来...

    巩鱼项19768366252:   英语单词stopped后面是要加to加动词ing的吗?如果不是,该怎么加? -
    江永县1008回复: stop to do sth. 和 stop doing sth. 而已. 但两者意思不同: stop to do sth . 是 停下来做某事. stop doing sth. 是 停止做某事.
