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~ 2、At Green Gables 在格林•盖布尔斯

And so the next morning Marilla said , ' Well ,Anne Matthew and I have decided to keep you ,only if you're a good girl , of course. Why , child ,what's the matter ?'


'I'm crying, ' sobbed Anne, 'because I'm very happy ! It's beautiful here ! People say I'm very bad ,but I'll try very hard to be good . Oh . thank you ! Thank you ! '


'Now stop crying, child ' said Marilla a little crossly ,' and listen .We're going to adopt you , and send you to school after the summer holidays.'


Anne stop crying. ' Can I call you Aunt Marilla ? I've never had any family at all , so I'd really like to have an aunt. We could imagine that you're my mother's sister.'


'I couldn't ' answered Marilla firmly(adv.坚定地,坚决地,坚固地,稳固地).


'Don't you imagine things ? ' asked Anne ,surpised.


' No ,I don't ' Marilla replied. 'I do my housework ,and look after Matthew, and go to church on Sunday. There's no time for imagining things in this house. Just remember that , Anne '


Anne was silent for a few minutes . Then she said , ' Marilla do you think I'll find a best friend in Avonlea ? Someone who really understands me and knows all my secrets(n.秘密;隐私). I've always wanted a friend like that.'


' Our friends , the Barrays , have a daughter called Diana, who's eleven ,like you But if you want to play with her , you'll have to be very good. Mrs Barry is very careful about Diana's friends.


'Diana ! What a beautiful name ! ' said Anne excitedly. ' Her hair isn't red is it ? She looked sadly at her red plaits.' I hate my hair.

“戴安娜!多好听的名字呀!”安妮兴奋地说。“她的头发不是红色的吧?我希望不是” 她伤心的看着她的红发辫。“我恨我的头发。”

'Diana has dark hair.She's a good,clever girl. Try to be like her,Anne.'


When the two girl mets ,they knew at once that they whould be good friends. The often played together,in the fields,or by the river,or in the garden.In the morning Anne helped Marilla with the housework.Then in the afternoon she played with Diana,or talked happily to Matthew while he worked on the farm . She soon knew and lover every flower, tree ,and animal at Green Gables.


The Cuthbers had another friend,Mrs Rachel Lynde .She liked to know everything that was happening in and around Avonlea. She was very interested in the Cuthberts' little orphan girl,so one day she visited Marilla.


'I was very surprised to hear about the child, ' she told Marilla . 'So you and Matthew have adopted her!'


'I'm surprised myself' answered Marilla with a smile. ' But she's a clever little thing ,you know .And she's always dancing ,or singing or laughing.'


Mrs Lynde shook (v.摇动 shake的过去式;n.可装配为木箱的各个部件;) her head sadly.'What a mistake , Marilla! You've never had any children yourself, so how can you look after her ?'


Just then Anne ran in from the garden. She stopped suddenly when she saw a stranger(n.陌生人;外地人;局外人) in the kitchen. Mrs Lynde looked at the thin little girl in the short dress, with her freckled face and red hair.


'Isn't she thin ,Marilla ? ' she said . ' Just look at theose freckles ! And hair as red as carrots !'


Anne's face went red .She ran up to Mrs Lynde.


'I hate you !' she shouted angrily. 'I hate you ! You're a horrible ,fat old woman !' And she ran upstairs.


'Oh dear ,oh dear ! ' said Mrs Lynde. 'What a terrible child ! You'll not have an easy time with her,Marilla.'


'You were rude(adj.粗鲁的;无礼的;狂暴的;未开化的;) to her,Rachel, 'Marilla replied ,before she could stop herself.


'Well !' said Mrs Lynde. She got up and walked to the door. 'I think this orphan is more important to you than I am .When I think how long we've been friends... You'll have trouble with her , I can tell you . Well ,I'm sorry for you ,that's all. Goodbye.'


Marilla went upstairs to Anne's room . The child was lying on her narrow (adj.狭窄的;有限的;勉强的;精密的;度量小的;n.海峡;狭窄部分,隘路;vt.使变狭窄)bed,sobbing loundly.


'You mustn't get angry like that, Anne ,Mrs Lynde is my friend, and you were very rude to her.'

'She was rude to me !' said Anne. 'She said I was thin and freckled and red-haired. It was very unkind!'


'I understand how you feel ,' said Marilla. 'But you must go to her and tell her you're sorry.'


'I can never do that ,' said Anne firmly(adv.坚定地;坚决地;坚固地;稳固地;).


'Then you must stay in your room and think about it .You can come out when you agree to say that you're sorry.'


Anne stayed in her room all the next day. Downstairs the house was very quiet without her. That evenning, while Marilla was busy in the garden ,Matthew went up to Anne's room. The child was sitting sadly by the window.


'Anne,' he said shyly,'why don't you say you're sorry? Then you can come down,and we can all be happy.'


'I am sorry now,' said Anne, 'I was very angry yesterday ! But do you really want me to ...'


'Yes , do , please . It's lonely downstairs without you .But don't tell Marilla I've talked to you.'


Marrila was pleased to hear that Anne was sorry. Later that evening, when she and Anne were in Mrs Lynde's warm kitchen,Anne suddenly fell on her knees.


'Oh Mrs Lynde,' cried the little girl, 'I'm very sorry . I can't tell you how sorry I am , so you must just imagine it .I am a bad girl ! But please say you will forgive me .I'll be sad all my life if you don't ! '

“哦,林德太太,”小女孩抽泣着,“我非常对不起您。我说不出我有多后悔,所以只能请您想象一下。我是个坏女孩 ! 但请您告诉我您会原谅我的。如果您部原谅我,我一辈子都会难过的。”

' She's enjoying herself ! ' thought Marilla , watching Anne's face. ' She doesn't look sorry at all, but happy and excited ! '


But Mrs Lynde said kindly , ' Of course I forgive you .' And later she said to Marilla , ' Perhaps you're right to keep her . She's a strange little thing , but I think I like her.'


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