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  • 求英文翻译 生于忧患,死于安乐
  • 答:(life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure )仅做参考

  • 生于忧患,死于安乐,要居安思危,有备无患英文怎么写
  • 答:生于忧患,死于安乐,要居安思危,有备无患英文是:Born in hardship, died of happiness, to be prepared against want

  • “生于忧患,死于安乐”用英语怎么说
  • 答:英文翻译_Born in misery, died in peace"

  • 生于忧患,死于安乐的翻译是什么?
  • 答:翻译:Heaven will descend and be responsible to the people of Sri Lanka. (天将降大任于斯人也)We must first hone his will.(必先苦其心志)strain his bones and muscles.(劳其筋骨)make his body hungry....

  • 如何翻译“生于忧患死于安乐”为英语?
  • 答:Live in the misery and die in the comfort.

  • 生于忧患,死于安乐 翻译成英语
  • 答:空乏其身,行拂其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。人恒过,然后能改;困于心,衡于虑,而后作;征于色,发于声,而后喻。入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。然后知生于忧患,而死于安乐也。

  • 生于忧患,死于安乐什么意思
  • 答:生于忧患,死于安乐 句子的意思是:因有忧患而得以生存。 因安逸享乐使人死亡。说明人才在困难中造就,安逸享乐能使人(或国家)死亡(灭亡)。愿对你有所帮助!

  • “生于忧患,死于安乐”用英语怎么说?
  • 答:men prosperity, monsters. Adversity is a good schoolmaster.To thrive in calamity and perish in soft living; life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure 两句,你随便选一句吧 ...

  • 生于忧患 死于安乐全文的 英语翻译
  • 答:so that his bones are tired, hungry to make his body so that he has been suffering poor, the total work is not smooth. This to disturb his mind, tenacity of his temperament, an increase of his talents...

  • 生于忧患死于安乐 英文版
  • 答:Shun Fat acres in the field drains into, Fu typography held in between the fish and salt in plastic Ge being held, the management held in Yiwu Shi, Sun Shuao held in the sea, and Baili Xi held in ...


    苍逸国17740508718:   生于忧患 于的翻译 -
    徐水县2585回复: [答案] 于,介词,由于,表原因.

    苍逸国17740508718:   生于忧患死于安乐的翻译 -
    徐水县2585回复: 舜从田野之中被任用,傅说从筑墙工作中被举用,胶鬲从贩卖鱼盐的工作中被举用,管仲从狱官的手中被推举出来,孙叔敖从隐居的海边被推举出来,百里奚从集市中被举用.所以上天将要降落重大责任在这个人身上,必须先使他的内心痛苦,使他的筋骨劳累,使他经受饥饿,使他受贫困之苦,使他做的事颠倒错乱,使他的心惊动,性情坚韧,增加他不具备的才能.人经常犯错误,然后才能改正;内心困苦,思虑阻塞,然后才能有所作为;这一切表现到脸色上,抒发到言语中,然后才被人了解.在一个国内如果没有坚持法度的世臣和辅佐君主的贤士,在国外如果没有敌对国家和外患,便经常导致灭亡.这就可以说明,忧愁患害可以使人生存,而安逸享乐使人萎靡死亡.

    苍逸国17740508718:   英语翻译课文翻译. -
    徐水县2585回复: [答案] “生于忧患,死于安乐” 《孟子》中说道" 生于忧患,而死于安乐也." 此话的确意味深长.只有心怀一定 的危机感和忧虑感才能使我们在当今社会如此激烈的竞争中得以生存,寻求立足之地! 忧患可以使担当大任的人经得住苦难的考验,可以促进...

    苍逸国17740508718:   生于忧患死于安乐翻译
    徐水县2585回复: One prospers in worries and hardships, and perishes in ease and comfort 处在忧虑祸患中能使人(或国家)生存发展,而沉浸在安逸享乐中会使人(或国家)走向灭亡.

    苍逸国17740508718:   英语翻译求古文翻译然后知生于忧患,而死于安乐也 -
    徐水县2585回复: [答案] 然后知道忧愁患害可以使人生存,而安逸享乐使人萎靡死亡

    苍逸国17740508718:   “生于忧患死于安乐“这句话怎么翻译? -
    徐水县2585回复: 忧患可以使人谋求生存而安乐必将导致灭亡
