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Paper cutting is a traditional folk art form with a long history. It can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. In traditional Chinese culture, paper-cuts can reflect various aspects of life such as prosperity, health or harvest. 

Although other art forms, like painting, can also show similar scenes, paper-cuts still stand out for its charm. Today, paper-cuts are chiefly used as decorations. 

Chinese people believe that the red paper-cuts on the door can bring good luck and happiness to the whole family. The paper-cuts are more often seen during traditional Chinese festivals, particularly in the Spring Festival.


剪纸(paper cutting)有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式。它可以追溯到东汉时期。在中国的传统文化中,剪纸可以反映生活的许多方面,如繁荣、健康或收获。虽然其他艺术形式,如绘画,也可以显示类似的景象,但剪纸仍然以它的魅力脱颖而出。


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  • 答:以下是一个不完全按照原文要求的回答:Paper cutting is a traditional art in China which has gradually developed throughout the long history of paper(剪纸是中国的传统艺术,它从整个漫长的造纸术历史中逐渐发展而来).Although the cuts here seem simply like animals or flowers, they in fact ...

  • 英语短文翻译,谢谢
  • 答:剪纸是一种传统的艺术在中国已经使其沿着纸的历史悠久的路线。这种艺术在汉朝纸发明后,一旦成为艺术的主要形式之一,和当时流行的人民;即使在皇室女士也在剪纸判断的能力。大部分的剪纸艺术家是女性。他们的作品的主题通常包括一切从愚蠢的事情在人们的日常生活环境。熟悉让他们理解艺术的真正精神。剪纸的主要...

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  • 关于讨论剪纸的英文对话
  • 答:A: hey, What r u doing?B:I'm doing paper cutting.A: What's that?B:It's a traditional Chinese skill.A:Wahhh! what r u cutting?B:Look! It's like a golden fish!A:It's amazing skill.B:Tks!

  • 关于春节的英语小短文有哪些?
  • 答:我们有许多传统。首先,我们打扫房子,扫除坏运气,然后我们油漆门窗都是红色的。这句话的意思是好运气,我们通常装饰门窗用剪纸,我们也买衣服,每个人都有自己的发型。We have lots of traditions. First, we clean our house and sweep away bad luck, and then we paint doors and windows red. ...

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