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~ Kung fu or gongfu or gung fu (功夫, Pinyin: gōngfu) is a Chinese term often used by speakers of the English language to refer to Chinese martial arts. Its original meaning is somewhat different, referring to one's expertise in any skill, not necessarily martial. The Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art" would be 中国武术 zhōngguó wǔshù.In its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any skill. Gōngfu (功夫) is a compound of two words, combining 功 (gōng) meaning "achievement" or "merit", and 夫 (fū) which translates into "man", so that a literal rendering would be "human achievement". Its connotation is that of an accomplishment arrived at by great effort.In Mandarin, when two "first tone" words such as gōng and fū are combined, the second word often takes a neutral tone, in this case forming gōngfu.Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts. Instead, it referred to the process of one's training - the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one's skills - rather than to what was being trained. It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor. You can say that a person's kung fu is good in cooking, or that someone has kung fu in calligraphy; saying that a person possesses kung fu in an area implies skill in that area, which they have worked hard to develop. Someone with "bad kung fu" simply has not put enough time and effort into training, or seems to lack the motivation to do so. Kung fu is also a name used for the elaborate Fujian tea ceremony (Kung-fu cha).The term kung fu was not popularly used in the sense of "Chinese martial art" until the 20th century, thus the word would be seldom found in any ancient texts.[citation needed] The term was first known to have been reported by the French Jesuit missionary Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, in the 18th century. The term was uncommon in the mainstream English language until the late 1960s, when it became popular due to Hong Kong films, Bruce Lee, and later the television series Kung Fu. Before the 1960s Kung Fu was referred to primarily as "Chinese boxing".In contemporary hacker culture the fu has been generalized to a suffix, implying that the thing suffixed involves great skill or effort. For example, one may talk of "script-fu" to refer to complicated scripting. It is unknown whether this was consciously based on the original, broader meaning of the term or whether it was a simple wordplay on the less general Western notion of "kung fu".

  • 功夫用英语怎么说?
  • 答:1、翻译:kung fu effort art labor (1)kung fu 功夫(Kung fu)主要是指下盘,所谓练拳不练功,到老一场空.都没有下盘功夫的拳击可能说是打架.(2)effort [U,C]努力,尽力(+to-v),可数名词:努力的成果...

  • 功夫用英文昨说
  • 答:kungfu

  • 功夫的英语怎么读kungfu
  • 答:功夫的英语翻译是:Kung Fu。知识拓展:一、定义 功夫是一种源自中国的武术和武道技艺,通常包括各种拳法、腿法、格斗技巧、武器使用以及身体和精神的训练。这个词汇在英语中已经成为国际性的术语,用来描述中国传统的武术和它们...

  • 功夫用英语怎么说功夫的英语介绍
  • 答:1、功夫,英文Kungfu,是在中国清末出现的、关于“武术”的别称,主要体现在个人在武术上的应用和造诣。2、例句:Kung-fuisakindoftraditionalChinesemartialarts.Itsdifferentfromboxing.译文:功夫是一种中国武术,与拳击大不...

  • 谁帮我把“功夫”译成英文
  • 答:功夫应该是 kungfu 如国说中国功夫的话,应该是chinese san da或 Chinese Gongfu

  • 英语里为什么叫功夫是 KUNG FU
  • 答:这是李小龙的功劳。他在美国展示功夫时,告诉美国人他用的是中国功夫,也就是KungFu.后来,美国英语词典就将这一词收入了美国英语词典。实际上,由于中国南方口音的影响,汉语拼音在南方使用时有所变化。比如,广东,拼出来就...

  • 功夫的英文是kongfu 为什么不是gongfu
  • 答:因为外国人不用汉语拼音 以外国人的发音功夫即为kongfu 因为我们在平时为了翻译方便会把别的语言的东西稍微变化一下,以便于两个民族的人都能最好的理解,在英语里面确实也有“g”这个音,但是它一般不跟 “ong”连用,而...

  • 武术的英文怎么写。
  • 答:世界通用的泛指武术 Martial Arts,可在前面增加 传统 traditional 中国武术 Chinese Martial Arts, 功夫更多是南方人的对武术的称呼,早期出国外的南方人的传播让外国人对中国功夫有了专有的名词Chinese Kungfu 这里个都是类别...

  • <功夫>的英文应该怎么翻译呢?
  • 答:《功夫》英文版《功夫》全名《KungFu Hustle》

  • 英文功夫算一个词还是两个词汇
  • 答:kung fu 两个单词组成的词汇 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
