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英文翻译《为学》 英文翻译


人总是在为自己找各种各样的理由和说辞 若有目标 就要付诸实际行动 勿要做思想的巨人 行动的侏儒

因为BASELWORLD 2017只有电子邀请函,所以我们无法提供带有手写签字的邀请函,请您见谅。 英文翻译如下:

There is only the electronic invitations for BASELWORLD 2017, so we can not provide a handwritten signature invitation, please forgive us.

There is nothing difficult for us to do in the world. If we do it , the difficult thing will be easy; if we don’t , the easy thing will be difficult, There is nothing difficult for us to learn. If we learn it , the difficult thing will be easy; if we don’t , the easy thing will be difficult.
There lived two monks in the western frontier of Szechuan, one poor and the other rich. One day the poor monk said to the rich one.
“I want to go to Nanhai, what do you think?”
“On what do you depend for going there?”asked the rich monk .
“A bottle and a basin will suffice me ,”answered the other.
“Well, I have been meaning to go there by boat for many years,but failed .How could you go without any support!”
After one year the poor monk returned from Nanhai, and told his story to the rich one, who was ashamed to hear it .
It is so many thousand miles from the western frontier of Szechuan to Nanhai. The rich monk failed to go. but the poor one went. Couldn’t we make up our minds to do something as the poor monk of the western frontier of Szechuan did ?

  • 为学如何翻译
  • 答:For Study .我感觉你说的是那篇古文言文吧!呵呵.你很好学啊!祝你学习快乐.

  • 古文为学的英文全文翻译
  • 答:英文:All things are difficult and easy? Just do the things, difficult and easy, If you do not, easy also difficult. People need to have difficulty and the difference? As long as learning, so difficult also easy, Don't study, so easily also difficult.Sichuan's border with tw...

  • 谁能告诉我《为学》的英文翻译啊?急啊啊啊啊啊…… 【原文】 天下事有...
  • 答:白话今译:穷和尚说:“我靠着一个水瓶一个饭钵就足够了。”English translated:The poor answered,"With one bottle and one bowl,that is enough for me."第五段:为学原文:富者曰:“吾数年来欲买舟而下,犹未能也。子何恃而往!”白话今译:富和尚说:“我多年来想买船坐船到那里去,都还...

  • 英文翻译《为学》
  • 答:天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。人之为学,有难易乎?学之,则难者亦矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。蜀之鄙有二僧:其一贫,其一富。贫者语於富者曰:“吾欲之南海,何如?”富者曰:“子何恃而往?”曰:“吾一瓶一钵足矣。”富者曰“吾数年来欲买舟而下,然未...

  • 谁能用英语帮我翻译下古文〈为学〉第一段?
  • 答:If one does it, even the difficult ones are easy; if one doesn't do it, even the easy ones are difficult. Does a person's studying have any difference in terms of difficulty or ease? If he does it, even the difficult ones are easy; if he doesn't do it, even the...

  • 求《为学》的英语翻译
  • 答:I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other ...

  • 为学翻译
  • 答:to learn on learning

  • 英文版'为学'帮我翻译一下
  • 答:apply oneself to study!commit oneself to study!

  • 用英语翻译“为学莫重于尊师”。
  • 答:谭嗣同:“为学莫重于尊师”,意思是说,学习最主要的是尊重老师。The most principal thing of learning is to reapect teachers.

  • 《为学》原文及翻译注释
  • 答:以下为《为学》原文,译文及注释:1、原文:天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。人之为学有难易乎?学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。吾资之昏,不逮人也,吾材之庸,不逮人也;旦旦而学之,久而不怠焉,迄乎成,而亦不知其昏与庸也。吾资之聪,倍人...
